BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

I'd buy one for 75k if it came with some sort of attachable top for when it rains.

I think that's going to be a big "Ahhhhhhhhhhh" moment for the show at the end of the season. Detective Lance will go "You both got bows, what do I call you now to tell yous guys apart?" And Ollie will go "Call me the Green Arrow". Then Roy will be all teenage smart-assy and be like "Guess that makes me Red".

How does one go about getting a job as awesome as you guys have?

Jalopnik is my blog of choice for this reason. I may not always agree with your views or reviews, but as least I know they're yours.

What I'm guessing a lot of people don't realize is that these cars weigh less than 2500lbs. That more or less would put this thing on par with the Toyobarus for power/weight (with more torque even!).

Dammit Matt! And I had just stopped crying myself to sleep every night...

You can't go by sales in that matter though. Anytime a character dies, people love it. It has nothing to do with how good or bad the character is. And the reason it garners so much love among the comic community is because we all know they'll be back eventually. If they killed off Peter in the movies, that would most

I'm not saying let's not have it at all. Clone Island and when ASM Peter crosses over into Ultimate to meet Miles would both make an excellent storyline. However, the main universe and the main movie thread will be most successful with Peter holding the reigns.

That's because Loki as a character was unknown. You're talking about introducing a different face under a VERY well-known mask. Completely different.

I know that, you know that, most people that read io9 know that. But let's not act like John Q Public has any clue about that.

It has nothing to do with that white or black. A bulk of the world, specifically the non-comic reading population, would never embrace a Spider-Man that isn't Peter Parker. Even Kaine or Ben Reilly wouldn't fly. And they are Peter CLONES. With movies, you don't have a chance to do things like Superior Spider-Man or

You're damn skippy I am!

What's so confusing about that?

I would have no problem with having them in place, as long as they had the best interest of individuals at heart. The problem is that they now have a "guilty until proven innocent" mentality, and something really needs to be done to remind them that they work for us.

Sorry Gray, but you're need to fit me into one of your pre-determined schemas has made you miss the point entirely. I can tell by your second sentence that you're a person who needs to fit everything in a neat box, rather they like those boxes, or probably more accurately, hate those boxes. You miss the point of what

I'm a free thinking individual who believes that everyone should consider every issue as it's own individual decision. And I don't any party, let alone the government itself?

Actually a lot of people here in the South rock that flag who have no real political affiliation. We remember what it stands for, and don't shy away now just because a couple of wackos decided they would twist it to their needs.

I'm a moderate/anarchist who believes in the Don't Tread On Me flag. Don't let the fact that the crazies decided to twist it to their purpose ruin it for you. There are still people who believe in what it means and still use it for it's rightful message.

He was murdered! :O

It's not 2002 anymore.