BugEyedBimmer - back in the Saddle Dakota Leather

Volvo and Cadillac are making amazing products now. I'm not a huge fan of Mazda myself, getting too expensive too fast for what they are.

What we have here is GM's attempt to take on the GTI, even if they never said so. For the fact alone that it's historic, and somehow in immaculate shape, I'll vote NP.

I think we know the Green movement has nothing to do with science.

In what ways is the GTI better? I actually really like the GTI, but I, haven driven both, are actually fairly evenly matched.

In what ways? The steering and the transmission in the Si has a lot more feel and precision in them, the K24 propels the Si to 60 in the same speed as the manual GTI, and with the extra torque of the K24 it has almost the same mid-range speeds. Oh, it also comes with a real mechanical LSD instead of using the breaks

Except the Si that we do get competes straight against the GTI.

So you can negotiate down an A4 or ATS down to TSX levels, but you couldn't then negotiate a TSX down even lower? Sorry, that excuse doesn't fly because it then becomes comparing an MSRP vs what you can negotiate down to.

The base A4 with FWD and a CVT, and the base ATS with the 2.5 both start for 2-3k more and don't really outperform the TSX in any way. Everyone seems to forget that it's one of the few lux cars you can get for an honest 30k.

I don't mind the site too much usually. I just hate the way articles about Honda are written and responded to.

It's really funny how a person who's actually driven both can be universally "wrong" here when its a hated brand that they're defending.

The modern TSX is far from a bad car. I do wish they'd held the line on the weight a little bit, but ultimately, it was still a good handling car.

Ummm. You've obviously never driven an Acura or Honda. Everything except for the torque is there. And a second and a half quicker than the old auto TSX would actually put the car around 6.5, not 7.5.

Because there is a certain bias that does occasionally go on here where everyone distances themselves as far as possible from Hondas for fear they'll get called a ricer.

I think we all knew this was a possibility if the Renegade was well received.

You wouldn't believe how many Corvette haters there are out there. Not just people that aren't fans, but people that will actively try to tear them down. I guess it's a glaring inferiority complex.

So you dismissed my comment about the L88 being faster? Sucks to suck doesn't it?

I put a reply about the contemporary Corvette L88 being faster actually. He dismissed it. Shocker lol

Actually, the L88 which was built within the same 5 year window as your cute little Cobra was faster. So that's nice. ;)

Oh I'm sorry. Your limited run boutique sports car is probably faster. I mean, after all, it's such an icon that they're still making them today. It's not like they died out, and now people are making them out of Volkswagens in their basements. You sound like every other bitter 60 year old who wants to feel special