bugattatra - parallel double-park that muthafucka sideways

That's a Type 18, the last chain drive Bugatti, predates the T35 by about a decade. Come on, guys, you can't tell a T35? After the T57, it's the most iconic original Bugatti ever made.

The three detectors cracked me up!

Thanks for the plugs, guise.

What a shame that didn't pan out. Stevens is apparently a super nice guy.

That's not sad, that's a story for the grandkids!

That's too bad. Anyway, congrats on the BRZ.

More power = less fun?

That was a clean run, nice work.

So let me get this straight, I'm a fanboy because you disagree with my argument, right? Doesn't that make you a fanboy?

Certainly sounds great.

Yes, theoretically they could, but they won't.

Good choice. How are you liking it? I finally may be getting ready to pick one up for my wife. We had placed an order before they went on sale but a change in our economic reality meant I had to forfeit my car.

Woot. There's at least 3.6 liters in there.

Not trying to get political here, but slamming union workers while simultaneously decrying the death of the middle class is a "head a splode" moment for me.

Pluses and minuses abound.

Yeah I'm a bit worried about Subaru as well. It started when they ditched frameless windows.

It's a race to the bottom, even Honda's on that path now.

You get it.