bugattatra - parallel double-park that muthafucka sideways

Don’t worry, they have been.


Christ, it’s not THAT difficult. I’ve taught several people—many of them completely disinterested in cars—to drive a manual in minutes.

Why in hell was that not featured in the story?

Yamaha OX99-11

That’s cool and all, but they’re still going to be under the ocean in 25 years.


If I was the driver of that Pagoda I’d have pulled over, waited to make sure everyone was OK and then calmly informed Mr. Walker that he is a reckless, attention seeking asshole.

That means he was driving too fast. If you’re on public roads with no idea of what lies around the bend, you need to drive accordingly.

“Stealing ALL of their ideas.”

You’re an asshole.

Resin coated, yellowed and bent freebasing spoon wrapped in a title loan document under the driver’s seat of a ‘91 Geo Tracker on Mickey Thompson sand tires.

Four rotor FD RX-7. Google “Scoot four rotor”.

That’s a Tatra, not a Citroen.

If they re-released the DC2 ITR tomorrow Jalopnik would be the first to complain about a perceived lack of power.

My grandfather was the guy who reformulated it while working as a chemist at Valspar. He still ended up dying decades later due to latent lung problems.

It looks really nice, but the cabin seems pretty plasticky. I bet the turn signals are really slick, though.


All I hear is exhaust. What’s the engine sound like?