
I get that maintaining privacy is important and that companies should be open about any data collection, but we always try to make this data collection sound so much more creepy than it is. “Secretly recorded users sexual activity” The horror! They aren’t like jerking off to this info about these specific people.

What exactly does it say about me that I did in fact click on this story, knowing I would have to look at multiple horrible close-ups that made me gag, and am still commenting on it?

Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great,

Ok, but like, I’m not going to start a lipstick company and call it Redtube.

Yes, the Freakanomics podcast, and damn she was exhausting. It’s every personality trait I hate about people who call themselves entrepreneurs — boastful, over-talkative, self-absorbed, uses industry jargon (“disruptive”), but mostly just annoying.

Listened to a podcast with her the other day, man is she annoying! BUT! I almost loved her by the end of it.

did you see who we made president or

Because she posed for the selfie?

Shut your mouth, heathen. Geology is a sin.

He’s too fat to button his jacket when he’s wearing his standard drapey suit. I noticed he wore a normal tailored suit for his joint session speech this week. I’m convinced that’s part of the reason people were saying he was presidential. For the first time in a long time, he had a properly tailored suit that was

Garters?! Too fancy for a Real American like Donald.

Breaking News:

Can’t watch the vid—does she really read a Dr. Seuss book to children and NOT SHARE THE FUCKING PICTURES?! Because if true, she should recuse herself immediately from any future child-reading photo-ops.

When did toddlers become young ladies? Is this asshole familiar with the case at all? Or is he just super confused about human beings?

Found the prefect title for his memoir.

Um, no, please, we want/need to win, thank you. It’s not the trolls who are going to nix the idea of Hillary in 2020, it’s the Dems who want to win an election. Jesus fracking Christo.

I just can’t see Hillary putting herself through another campaign, or at this point, her having enough support from the Democratic party to do so.

She does kind of have “walk of shame hair” in the same way Bannon always looks like he woke up on a park bench with a thin residue of vomit on his lips.

I mean, ugh. Just ughhhhhhhh.

The maniacs of this nation went all in on Michelle Obama for daring to wear a sleeveless dress and then we have this. Ugh. Just. Ugh.