Bug Eyed

Possibly. Many VWs are produced in Wolfsburg.

Oh please, I know this is actually werewolf-proofing.

The only thing I want Trump’s EPA to do is repeal the ridiculously horrible ethanol mandates.

Agreed. I’d be happy to buy a low mileage TDI golf and pay a small smog fee to the government.


It’s been closer to $2 than $3 down here in CO for a while, well, except for those of us sucking on premium.

At $2/gallon it would only take 3.62 million miles to make this break even against a Corolla.

The Atlas is easily the ugliest things to come out of VW since MKIV reliability.

The only thing that would save VW a new version of what this monstrosity is blocking.

Have you taken a sharp blow to the head recently? Seek medical attention immediately.

I think the headline here is quite misleading. The car did not brake for a crash, it applied the brakes because it sensed a car ahead of it braking. The fact that another unrelated car didn’t see it or stop in time is really just a coincidence. It’s a cool feature, but implying that it predicted an accident is a

Yep, “it’s a BMW” does not mean it’s expensive.

thats an older E90 prior to 2008, from the exhaust 328i. not worth more than $5-7000 right now.

Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.

So about that 25 year old import law...

Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan of “Forward” was also the title of a Nazi youth marching song. But you don’t care about that because, you know, not Trump...

I know I’m not Honda’s target demographic here, and I am glad to see them producing cars with some personality and oomph. But man this thing is ugly and over-designed. There’s just way too much going on and no “flow” to it.

It actually looks like a caricature of itself, what a 14-year-old would do if given carte

Thanks for the politics. Not.

Pfft. Nonsense. GM actually killed people and they’re still around.

You know the new “illegal” motors pollute less than the old completely-still-legal 1.9l diesels, right? It’s just changing regulations.

I didn’t see you complaining about VW diesels from 1992 to 2005 when they made 10X more of them.

Also, it’s been over a year and a half since dieselgate first showed up and they’re