Bug Eyed

I’d still rather go 0-60 in 3.9 seconds and hear it than 2.5 and not.


I read that as “Spaghetti Spyder” and kept going.

Unless a car is blocking a fire hydrant, hospital entrance, or making a road impassable, there is absolutely no reason to tow a car, ever. EVER.

The cover on the front is to prevent it from seeing pedestrians and attacking them, right?

What is it with ‘80s German cars? Did they they suddenly replace U.S. dollars as the medium of global monetary exchange?

It sure is a long drive from Omaha to pick up that island though.

Please go spew your political rhetoric on the other Gawker pages. This is an auto enthusiast site. If we wanted to read media bias, we see the links to the left.

Shit or not, it’s one of the prettiest engines in recent history.

At one point, I knew exactly what a G, M, or Q-ship was meant to entail. Just as with Caddy we know what A, C, S, X mean. Just as with Mercedes A, B, C, E, S hold meaning. Now, I not only don’t know which Infiniti is which, I simply don’t care.

But then it would have been found to be a hoax immediately. If someone puts that much forethought into it, must be fake. That’s what makes this one so good...

Most overrated ice cream in Denver. Sweet Action or gtfo.

Nissan could make a big retro mustang/camaro-eque comeback and really revitalize the brand. PLEASE bring us a new Figaro and the Datsun 510!!


surprise mother, fucker:

Your shopping cart is.. erm.. disconcerting

I think we can go cheaper.

I don’t see why we can’t have both? Because I’m not quitting obscure Beetle taillight research.