Thank you Porsche for proving beyond reasonable doubt that your cars are more reliable than Toyota’s.
Any municipal agency using taxpayer money, should be buying only American designed and built vehicles.
BMW nomenclature in summary:
For once BMW is giving us something pretty awesome and you’re all still whining about naming and variety.
Jon Voight used to own one of those.
It’s not great, but you do get a very cool pre-dawn view if you’re up early enough.
Anything with a CVT.
Best/only sub 5k sleeper I could find on ebay:
Hahaha Don’t you worry. You secret is safe.
I am terrified of jack failure.
I would think driving away with a pedestrian stuck on the hood is considered entrapment.
Hahaha I know...I know. But those Rocky Mountain roads tho! Its a great state dude. I love visiting. Cheers!^^
Coming early next week!
Orlove, we need a Little Engine that couldn’t update!
I guess tastes are subjective because I’m a big fan of the Panamera since days one. blind? What’s your idea of a good looking car, a Nissan Versa?
Every time I play my playstation, the steering wheel feels way better than in a real car... because I have it rotated to the right, with the gas pedals way towards the (simulated) vehicle center.
You do realize I laid out the too fast to the future cotd plot a couple weeks back... I am doing my best work here, everyday
This is pornography and I will dutifully masturbate to it.