Buffy The Trumpire Slayer

I would genuinely love to see someone approach the President, vomit, scream and then punch him.

There has never been a shot of this creature that doesn’t make me want to vomit, scream, and punch it.

Do tell!!! I love a good nerdy breakup.

My dad doesn’t watch Doctor Who but knows what it is about. I was explaining regeneration to him and said a new actor was taking the role. A lot of people were upset. He asked why and I said guess. It’s a woman was what he said. I told he he was right. He just shook his head and called them assholes.

Judge Kara Brown, ladies and gents.


Congratulations to Mindy!

Did anyone else just get an image of 2021 where Corey Booker is President with Mindy Kaling as First Lady taking their brilliant, adorable child for walks on the White House lawn? Just me?

Schrödinger’s Swift is right, since she’s in there with Meredith & Olivia. There will be no surviors.

There was a very funny bit on the underrated show “Great News” when one character thinks “AF” stands for “As Frankenstein” and that DTF means “Don’t Touch Frankenstein” and WTF means “Won’t Touch Frankenstein.”

And there are worse “complements” out there, one joyful day a coworker told me that I had beautiful feet (I was wearing sandals), then he added “I have a foot fetish, I love looking yours” then he complemented with a “today is my wife’s birthday and I do not know what to give to her”.

Now I want an SNL skit with Phil Hartman doing an ad for Brio, a magazine I never knew existed until right now.

Today I felt like I breathed fresh air for the first time in nine months. My heart is soaring. I’m gonna get so blackout drunk when these fuckers are finally all indicted, it will probably put me in the hospital.

I just don’t see how Alan Jackson can be offensive. And the main issue this guy had is that he was picky during his mike check on a TV show. Jackson sings live on TV. The one time someone made sing to a backing track, he had his drummer play without sticks to tell the fans what was happening.

I am loathe to correct others, especially when it comes to subtle and subjective aesthetic perceptions, but the hair color of the model in the lead photo is in fact Tuna Sashimi (and not Salmon Sushi).

We were meant to be going after the son?

yup, it’s OK in that instance or even in a big reveal on an episode of undercover boss. But that’s it.

“Fund women entrepreneurs”...because we’re all supposed to pretend that’s what Ivanka is...a “female entrepreneur”, a bold and brilliant woman who courageously started her own wildly successful business from scratch, all by herself. EVERYONE is well aware that’s a crock of cow-flop, nothing but a total lie but

Who are the Dickshits? Is that a spin-off? What network?