Buffy The Trumpire Slayer

Two things stood out to my guests that they loved (other than the food)

Shit, you mentioning Midnight reminds me that I have that floating around my condo. I sold all my Kevin Spacey movies the other day including American Beauty and felt like some were missing.

This is why I’d want to know

That’s immediately what I thought of when I read that lol.


She promises!!
I couldn’t believe that when I read it! I would be furious if I read advice talking about my MIL like that whether she and I saw eye to eye or not because that’s my husband’s mother.

Yes!! I read one like three or four ago and have been hate reading ever since but this one takes the cake.

I read on reddit that there was a a season 1 joke about Hawaiian pizza. :D

I’m scared of Eric Stoltz from Mask. Like the character Rocky he played in that movie. I was sick home from school one day and saw Mask was on TBS and thought Jim Carrey zooming around with a green face will cheer me up. That’s when I learned the difference between The Mask and just Mask. :( No matter how many times

Yeah, I knew her from Keanu but she didnt get a real chance to be funny in that. Then I saw two interviews pre-Cosby comment and thought she was sooo funny and for one of them she brought her super cute cat that she had adopted while doing Keanu so that gave her extra points.
Maybe I’ll watch her comedy special and

Same, it’s just not acceptable to “joke” about being cool with someone’s sexual assaults.

Did you watch AHS or Nashville?

The double “what the fuck” Ron’s really help complete this comment.

Yes, mom?

I can’t stand his face. It makes me rage.

Man if I was you, reading that would make me hunt said cousin down and punch them right in the face.

I would be down for all of this.

This is like NASCAR. I hate it but I love the drama and fights.

I wish I could have fun colored hair but I just switched to a job that doesn’t allow it. :(

I had a bad stomach ache and then I pooed. Now I feel better. I hope you can find similar relief soon.