Buffy Summers

As it happens I just watched the documentary by Amy Berg “An Open Secret” yesterday. Marty Weiss features as does Corey (although I think it was archive interview footage rather than directly participating in this documentary). The producers could never get distribution for the film. No one in Hollywood wanted to

I love, love, love how media pundits and Democrat operatives wail and scream about party unity, and about how us wimmins should just suck it up when it comes to the national Democrat apparatus supporting forced-birth candidates (and expecting us to donate to them and volunteer for them,) and then a high-ranking

Dems never seem to miss an opportunity to stick their dicks in a meat grinder. Honest to fuck. To quote the Newsroom - “If liberals are so fucking smart, how come they lose so goddamn always?” This shit is why.

I literally cannot bring myself to give a fuck about this. At this point I don’t care if Hillary killed 89 hummingbirds with a baseball bat for votes. It’s over. Trump’s president. We’re doomed, who the fuck cares anymore.

Thanks for giving the right wing media something to run with at a pivotal time. Self serving bullshit, she should be embarrassed.

Right? Where’s the creativity? Personally, I like wooing my partners by fucking to the beat and tempo of the Scatman

He’s the blandest bland that ever blanded.

My desire to see him locked up is 100% based on him being a predator.

If he were a Republican, he’d still be in office.

Is Weiner TRYING to be the worst person in the world? I still think his dick played a huge part in getting Trump elected(after he supposedly had copies of Hiliary’s missing e-mails), and now this on top of all his other sex related issues? I think we may have actually found a white man no one will redeem.

I’m trying to decide how much of my “lock him up and throw away the key” reaction is based on what a gross pig monkey predatory piece of shite he is and how much is based on my anger over his fucking up the election.

That’s his “This could have been us, Rachel, with you holding the camera, but you playing.”

Damn, now I can’t spell “Bachelorette!” #ThanksTrump

Jessica Jones was so great, wasn’t it?

This happened to me after I recalibrated my relationship with my guy and moved into my own place. I binged on Call the Midwife, Jessica Jones, and watched features about and with women (Spy, Heat, that Thatcher movie with Meryl Streep, etc.). And even though I’ve gradually allowed more male narrative into my life, I

A few years ago, I reached a saturation point where I was just done with men’s stories. They have all been told countless times and I am bored. I have run all out of fucks to give.

Thanks- I can’t unsee that now.

Okay, I feel horrible for saying this, but doesn’t the header picture make her look a lot like Ted Cruz? Or am I tripping?