
I knew it! In his statement, he said the story of his relationship with the woman is “much more interesting” than the one that was being told *and* also said that nothing really happened. I get that his idea of interesting is probably different than most, but how can nothing really happen and have an interesting

Jessica’s diet may indeed be the root of her problems with the in-laws. I was on a city trip in Italy with a vegan friend and in every single restaurant she was treated with contempt when she explained her dietary restrictions.

After being ghosted by the first person I’d felt was a real possibility in my entire adult life (I was 37), my therapist at the time, who had been online dating for many years with mixed results, said she had come to the conclusion that many men (probably also women) were in it for the thrill and validation of someone

I honestly thought he’d already resigned. Interesting that he’s being permitted to “retire”.

Man this hits so close to home. Life isn’t bad as a single person, but I’m in my early thirties and I’ve never had a long-term relationship. I have tried to fix everything that people have told me is wrong with me. I have dated and dated and dated. I’ve put myself out there to the point I’ve had to rebuild my

I was a meth user for quite some time and thank GOD I never picked at my face. I know that sounds shallow but man, that screams meth like no other.

The Democratic Party absolutely abandoned these voters. When a Democratic President championed and signed the Voting Rights Act and Civil Rights Act, it turned its back on everything these voters stood for.

Ironically, Lucy Parsons, though an anarchist, claimed that the nuclear family and monogamy were the building blocks of a just society.

Why do you think her reputation, or at least knowledge of her, has been eclipsed by other women like Goldman, or even Mary “Mother” Jones? Certainly, their reputations have survived in histories of labor and anarchists but Parsons seems to have fallen by the wayside. Why has she fallen by the wayside while Goldman has

Torn on this story. She is definitely a fascinating woman, but the whole various ways of passing for her image and commiting her son for her image makes her a bit of an anti-hero.

I studied under Dr. Jones and found her to be one of the most brilliant and meticulous scholars I’ve ever met. She’s also a wonderful writer. Can’t wait to read this.

Obama really needs to stop trying to be everyone’s friend. It was the thing that always annoyed me about him. The right wing nutjobs are never going to change.

Right- so because I keep losing my burner acct password (bulllllshit!), I’ll prob stay in the grays for this comment BUT.....

He doesn’t give a shit about his daughter. He wants to keep the business in the family. And so he wants to marry his daughter to someone he would like to see take his spot.

I’m sorry, but all I can think of is Candice Bergen yelling about how ‘IT’S A SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM!’

What’s even weirder is that these emails are completely silent on the daughter’s feelings about the guy. I’m not saying she didn’t have a crush, but her feelings aren’t even mentioned, so it comes off like he’s trying to get the guy to marry his daughter so he’ll never quit his job. 

What kind of father tries to marry off his daughter to a man who clearly isn’t interested in her? Like dude, I get it, your little girl had a crush on him, but surely, SURELY you realize that encouraging him to marry your daughter solely for financial gain is only going to end in heartache for YOUR DAUGHTER? Also, who

This and the US gymnastics sex abuse are the latest examples of why I give the side eye to organizations that are for and comprised of women but have men in most positions of power.

I was one of those people. I never got far enough to be preyed on by big timers, as there were enough of the predatory scumbags at the low levels to stop me in my tracks.

One of the many sad, infuriating things about all of this, is how many women; actresses, directors, producers and writers, left the business because of Swinestein and the men like him? How many great stories have we missed out on?