
Plus, and I find this part to be awfully humorous, they are going to be dealing with an administration of the highest form of education.
Whatever colleges are allowing affirmative actions, I’m pretty sure they’re smart enough to protect their students.
Bannon: “Are you providing affirmative action tactics for your

To be honest, there is a wedge between asians and blacks/hispanics because a lot of asians make it so. Not that asians particularly endorse Trump’s policies, but the percentage of asians who believe their success was entirely due to their hard work, without regard for the foundation created by blacks and the civil

‘I think the people you’re referring to don’t care so much about their own kids going to college, as long as brown and black kids aren’t getting in either.’

They really do. It’s bizarre but true. Their sense of entitlement even extends to rationalizing their kids’ poor academic performance and lousy test scores.

That’s okay, this ~20-tweet Twitter thread probably says enough for all of us...

Wait one god-damned minute, these fuckers are using the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Department to sue on behalf of “reverse discrimination” against white people?!

Yeah I thought they said college was bad for America, what with everyone getting liberalized and having abortions for Satan.

To be fair, it was a lot easier for mediocre white kids to go to college back when college was affordable and, oh yeah, white people were the only ones allowed in.

Fuck Jeff Sessions and this entire administration using the Federal government for their race baiting bullshit. Pandering to their base because everyone else has abandoned them.

 If anything they should support affirmative action since it’s their go-to excuse for not achieving greatness in a country that gives them so many advantages that a college educated black person earns about the same as a white highschool graduate.

I would think this was a dog whistle for his fans, but come on, his fans don’t go to college! They think edumacation is for libtards. And librul professors are ruining our youth.

According to Trump, Transgender people cannot serve in the military, poor people should not have health care and black people should not go to college. Just want to make sure I’ve got this right?

I was going to include him, but his wasn’t a legacy admission in the traditional sense (generations of one family get in, equipped or not).

White people think that Asians will be fighting on their side in their fantasy civil/social war. It’s really bizarre

What the ever living fucking fuck? I am, and this is no joke, making a fucking therapist appointment. I have lost all sense of wtf, and I lack the capacity to understand it and the strength to ignore it.

...but frequently Asian-Americans are as well.

Clegg elaborated, with a hollow and incendiary talking point, “The civil rights laws were deliberately written to protect everyone from discrimination, and it is frequently the case that not only are whites discriminated against now, but frequently Asian-Americans are as well.”

Your tragic gallery of oppressed, male whities is missing this one.

So would that also mean that thoroughly unqualified “legacy admissions” will be illegal? Several come immediately to mind...

White people are allowed to be “good kids” no matter how old and no matter how criminal.