
My sister asked a boy out, he laughed, said no and then told her that she was ugly. He then proceeded to share the news with all of his mates and then this spread like wildfire throughout her year level. My sister was 15 at the time. She cried for weeks but, then picked herself up and carried on. This is who she is.

The boy I was dating in 7th grade dumped me because his friend said I was “big”. I would confront him about it, but he’s super chubby now and I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from pointing out the irony.

While some current members generally seem okay with it, some holdouts are definitely deflated. Yeah. I said it.

Wow, he was so young. I’ve never seen this show, but I just looked him up and one of the first news stories that came up from before today was an interview where Ellis criticized a former co-star for quitting because that actor didn’t want to play a gay character. That’s a stand up thing to do.

I am so sad to hear this. He stood out as being one of the strongest in the cast.

Dude, you would never guess. University of Minnesota. We’re talking about six black women, all from different cities over the country, marrying six Jewish dudes that were all from the twin cities. And all six couples are still married, 15+ years later!! 

Black women and Asian men get NOTHING

Yesss. And the common thread for pretty much all Black and Brown women is that we are passed over (often derisively or with contempt) in exaltation of the more ‘valid’ femininity and desirability of white women. WW have always represented a come-up for MOC. It’s sickening.

Might I suggest Queen Sugar? It’s a series on OWN (season 2 started recently) about a farming family in Louisiana, and on the few occasions white people are on screen, they’re the villains. I’ve seen several articles on how well it’s shot and how Ava Duvernay knows how to light black skin (though she doesn’t direct

Man, fuck that noise! Own your black lady beauty! Anecdotally, all my black girlfriends from college/grad school married Jewish dudes. Soooo...just throwin’ that bit of knowledge out there.

Welcome to the world of Black woman, where we get NOTHING. Rarely the love interest or aspirational woman to be cherished and loved and protected. Pretty much always the sassy best friend who has no life outside of the white folks on screen. And good damn luck if you’re dark-skinned and rock your natural hair/braids.

This is a really bad take on a great article.

I don’t hate biracial people. Im just sick of women of color getting left behind, set aside overlook hell just never the one.

I love the reaction this article has gotten, as if it is some massive shock that, yes, the fashion world is a shallow, competitive industry designed to push over priced clothes that no one needs, enforce insane physical beauty standards, and value “artistic spirit” over practicality or sustainability.

This reminds me of an annual review I received at an old job that came with an annual merit increase in pay. I was one of 2 or 3 black women working in this department, and I had been promoted from a lower department. I got a raise when I came over, so I was happy.

Getting a big raise when a show re-negotiates in the 6th or 7th year is normal, so CBS doesn’t get brownie points for that. In a show like this where the alleged supporting characters have had their roles beefed up over the years into something more approaching a true ensemble, CBS is trying to get off on the cheap

never watched this show but good on them for walking away. CBS can suck it. They can pay sheen and kutcher what like, twenty million, but cant be bothered to pay actors that appear to be positive, diverse role models?

I’m torn on this. Because Kim and Park had supporting roles, not leading roles. And you’d be hard pressed to find supporting actors receiving the same pay as the leads anywhere. That said, I think CBS missed the boat by not putting Daniel Day Kim in either O’Laughlin’s or Caan’s role. This show should have had

I hope they’re able to find more work. They’re both so fantastic. And beautiful. God are they beautiful.