
Please someone, please get me a gif of Katie Holmes grinding on Colin Powell. That will make my year. I'm so pleased that she is enjoying her life.

I have to admit that I was pretty disappointed in this performance. I heard the song on the radio and thought it was pretty catchy so I was pulling for her. Somehow, it just feels wrong, like she's being exploited. I know everyone is going on and on about her freedom to identify anyway she pleases but something seems

The penis is also use for urination, which will be illustrated by Mr. Jensen p*ssing all over their former publishers with their imminent success.

I agree. I definitely didn't realize that before I spent the money! However, the class did help me with tips and a great vocab list. Fast forward about 10 years and I purchased several prep guides for my younger cousin and basically gave her the advice you mentioned. If you're diligent and have access to the right

LOL..."Pavlovian association". Goodness gracious, my side aches now from laughter. Yes, your statement actually just gave me some insight. Thank you. I may have actually created this disparity. I'm going to try an experiment with my next two braidouts to see if my dh's positive hair association response increases.

I remember taking the ACT in high school and not really thinking it was big deal. I did pretty well but I attribute that to attending a great school. However, it's hard to explain how often minority students are left out of conversations about testing preparations, and I went to a "good" school. I imagine it's pretty

Damn girl...........Preach.

I wonder why that is....Seriously confusing. My dh loves my hair but I can tell he gets even more excited when I flatiron it super straight. However, when I wear my full natural hair out I seem to attract crowds of white men. It's always interesting but really strange to me. Is it due to the "exoticism" factor? If so,

I'm definitely not a fan but I think she looks lovely on the cover. I love the coat and her lipstick. I'm super excited about the diversity!

Yep, I'm pretty certain that I will be a fan until I die due to this skit. It was brilliant.

Let me begin by saying that I have "opted in". However, there was a period of about 2 long years where I seriously doubted my ability to function adequately at home or work. The stress of being a new Mom to twins and working a demanding job as an Engineer cause some depression and periods of complete paralysis. I was

I know, right!?! Her skin is so gloweee and puuurty.

Thanks for the "Tw0 bites" tip! This is a great practical idea. I will try this with my children.

I recorded this episode and play it for my kids all of the time. They love this song!

Strange, especially considering how progressive the story lines on Buffy were. Willow was one of the first gay characters that I was exposed to that had a meaningful relationship. Willow and Tara were one of my favorite couples on TV. I wonder if SMG is just lashing out due to growing up in Hollyweird. Maybe she's

Seems to me that she said exactly what she intended. It's very clear to me what she meant and I'm really disgusted. I normally don't expect much from celebrities but I have to say I'm disappointed in Sharon. I let my guard down a bit with her since I occasionally watch The Talk. That statement should come with a

I was crying this morning driving to work listening to Kelly talk about their friendship. I loved the show. Listened to it almost every morning. I just loved the light hearted goofy jokes. He will be missed.

I have just saved this image for the purposes of drooling, smiling & daydreaming at the same damn time.

[Morpheus: “This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.”]

The young boys of color remind me of myself at that age. I dealt with what is now termed "hipster racism" being the only black girl in a predominantly white school. It's tough because these people are your friends, sometimes your only friends, and you feel so isolated when they say something offensive. I eventually