
I always see it used to denigrate, like “you liberals in your big city bubbles.”

But hey, fuck, I’m gay. When I was a teenager, I moved to a big city to be around other queers. And going into the Trump Era, I feel even less inclined to move away from safety and culture.

Sorry if that makes me a “snowflake” when I have

Enjoy. You deserve everything that happens under Trump.

Accuse me of being dramatic, immediately call me a “millennial crybaby prick.” Hmm.

Guess what, get used to half this country - oh, and Hollywood - fighting and mocking and bitching out Trump for the next four years. Hope you enjoy it.

If Israel would stop shitting on Palestine, we wouldn’t have a problem.

I miss Spartacus.

Wow, killer take.

So when he says he wants to round up Muslims and Mexicans...

Take your own advice and fuck right off.

Must be nice that concern is such an annoyance to you.

Eat a dick.

Do you ever cough on it? All that smug?

This will be the most infuriating.

How have that many people voluntarily had sex with him? That’s gross.

Seriously! It was the grossest, most off-putting thing, and it followed me from page to page.

If you make a career out of crying wolf, no one should bat an eye when you get eaten.

Someone give Feinberg a Pulitzer immediately.

This album cover is gayer than I am and I’ve had sex with the same gender.

Downgrade. Posey is sex on a stick (the stick is his penis).

Are we no longer getting Arkham games?

Go fuck your mother, dick breath.

Aww, you whiney little bitch. Is this all you have?