This show is still a treasure, and such a perfect encapsulation of blissful pre-financial crisis America. Just Nick and Jessica in their shitty McMansion, eating Chicken of the Sea on their white leather sectional.
This show is still a treasure, and such a perfect encapsulation of blissful pre-financial crisis America. Just Nick and Jessica in their shitty McMansion, eating Chicken of the Sea on their white leather sectional.
Born to die is one of my top favorite songs so Lana can do no wrong. I even liked high by the beach.
Hey, North Carolina GOP: if Clarence Thomas thinks you are racist motherfuckers, you are definitely, indubitably, 100 percent racist motherfuckers.
Embarrassed to say I didn’t think they would unseal the Hellmouth until at least the midterms.
Dear God,
Create Nuclear Holocaust, Make Plagues Great Again!
It’s Ragnarok. The Midgard serpent is about to emerge and consume mar-a-lago whole.
God used to do the best plagues. Locusts, blood, slaying of the first born. Just a hole now? No stamina! SAD!
That’s it? God needs to bring His A-Game next time. It needs to be at least 40 feet wide.
We are all, collectively, crushed under that elephant.
I have little sympathy for a man who spent his life killing animals for sport with no intention of using them for food or resources.
I’m only sad that the elephant that killed him died.
He’s currently getting into trouble. You don’t take down a president in a day, but he’s pretty much lined his coffin at this point.
Only 3 weeks or so ago I mentioned how Dean got railroaded for saying “Piyaaahhh” during a rally. Our president is literally selling us out to the Russians and the party that used to hunt communists, real or imagined, could give a shit.
it truly is. if I called someone a nut job at my work, I would be fired, or at the very least placed on suspension... how does that make any sense?
Overt is the kindest way to put it. I just don’t understand how it’s possible to be such an incompetent criminal. I’ve been trying to think of an analogy, but nothing I can think of is sufficient - like how would this translate into a shoplifting scenario? He’d have to keep running back into the store where he had…
If the judges and prosecutors in your town are all corrupt, it’s hard to get anyone locked up!
At first my conscience was like, “Is it morbid for me to be to be happy that this guy just died?” And then I saw this and said, “Nah.”