A Perfectly Cromulent Burner

It still blows my mind to try to figure out what the hell is wrong with a woman dancing. Is this Salem in 1641 or something?

Typical conversation with a Republican in 2019:

I’ve lived in Wisconsin a long time and I’ve heard some pretty degenerate bullshit tossed around in my years. Plus it took us this long to get rid of Kochstain Walker, and gerrymandering alone couldn’t have kept that jerkoff in office that long without stunning ignorance backing it up.

The endless race to the bottom between the ‘American Man’ sub-species of Florida Man’ and ‘Ohio Man’ is neck and neck and will be until the meth runs out.

Ohio, Arizona, or Florida; dumbest state of the union’ WHO YA GOT? 

I don’t know who 90% of the people on this list are, and I’m so fucking glad.

First time here? They ran a “why not voting is actually fine” article right before midterms, it’s gonna be a long 20 months.

This is going to be a fun primary season. I’m looking forward to see some spectacular bloodletting over the next year and a half because come November 2020, I’ll be voting for whomever is in the (D) column. Be it Biden, Bernie, Warren, Beto, Harris, etc.

You can hate Biden all you want for his policies and history, and be on fairly solid footing.

Work requirements for Medicaid was easily one of the most fucked up things to become normalized over the last decade, and that’s saying something.

dudebra is a useless, one-note hack.

EVERY article about this Bernie letter has some progressive dudebro like dudebra tossing up that Burns Strider article as a defense. Literally every one.

“C’mon Jimmy, let’s take a peek at the killing floor. Don’t let the name throw you, Jimmy, it’s not really a floor. It’s more of a steel grating that allows material to sluice through so it can be collected and exported.”

Also LePage is the outgoing Gov...our LePage embarrassment is almost over!

I don’t know how much you guys were following this election but as a resident it was WILD.

Twitter like most social media is best when ignored.

The MAGA responses to the Benny Johnson tweet are so fucking infuriating. I’m so glad I’m not on Twitter. I would’ve died by now.

I get that second coming feeling mostly from Chapo Frat House’s political blog, Splinter. Not as much here.

Ocasio-Cortez is still a politician, not the second coming, and she’s just as prone to blunders as any other new member of the House”

Theres always money in the banana stand.