A Perfectly Cromulent Burner

SIDEBAR: The comments have been infiltrated by a 12- to 15-year-old on early winter break.

Too often, reporters have become activists and reasonable opinion has been replaced by extremism, trading credibility for online clicks. It’s hurting not just the media, but America as well.”

I am looking forward to their comment section.

Y’all, keep in mind that the check was $1,000 for THREE WEEKS of pay. A nigga can’t even make over $300 a week without raising suspicion. 

As a family physician, your take is utter bullshit.

I’m lucky to work for an international firm based in Asia, so my exposure to doofy white boys is limited to a couple of associates and 2 partners on a daily basis, but when we have lawyers visiting from other firms it’s like a Tucker Max convention. Which is especially pathetic because even Tucker Max grew up.

The GOP has been open in their disdain for free elections, appointing someone who actually lost an election is certainly “on brand” for them.

“im a journalism!” - libby watson, 2018.

Not an hour goes by where I don’t marvel in sheer disbelief that this man is the President of the United States.

how is this any different than paul blest’s?

i actually am one of the ones who donates regularly to the aclu. But i take your point. 

Ah, the land of the free and home of the brave. What an exceptional country we are. This is an outrage and i hope the ACLU sues texas into oblivion over this. And any other state that has this bs on the books. 

I have no problem with boarders as long as they obey the house rule that there is “No Smocking”

How the fuck is this person not grey? they made all of two posts on an account created today. This is total bullshit.

It’s also illegal as hell at all levels of the government.

So, we agreed that the nepotism laws against White House employees didn’t apply because he was an in-law relative, I guess?

Schrodinger’s Nepotism

What the hell is going on? A lot of good comments are languishing in the greys. A lot of posts aren’t being “moderated.”

Hello, I am a gfsi certified food safety specialist and the things I have seen happen in food production facilities would haunt your dreams forever. The best advice I can give you is don’t eat food, any food.  Don’t touch it, don’t look at it, don’t smell it, don’t do anything.  The only way that you are not putting