Buffay the Vampire Layer

I spent way too goddamn long on this, but I think it’s not the same guy. Your Brian Switzer espoused liberal views on Twitter as recently as 2018. So either he had a recent change of heart or it’s not the same dude.


Thank God. One fewer talented kid will be fucked over by some dipshit family member siphoning off cash and fucking around pretending he knows what a contract is.

Clipper card is the name of the mass transit pass for most of the bay area. It's a sucky name for that, let alone for an NBA team.

A huge percentage of sports takes boil down to tsk-tsking black people having fun.

True, you get a W-2 at the end of the year, but you sign a W9, which abrahamd was obviously referring to, when you first start a job. 

I’m a white woman in San Francisco. I could run past City Hall and back without any problem. Plus, I'm just fat enough to get a bunch of semi encouraging, semi patronizing "you go girl!"s as I do it. #bodypositivity

So you don't have a tanker plane in your backyard hanger? Peasant.

I get way too excited when I see countries other than the US fuck over their citizens. The feeling of being less of an outlier in awfulness is intoxicating.

Don’t you have to disclose when a post is sponsored?

The difference between asking for an option vs permission is lost on these retrograde idiots

Probably were drunk, didn't realize they were out of power and just ditched the car basically where it stopped.

Right? The secrecy is weird.

I can't believe you found an over under of 6. I hope you dropped at least 5 figures on that bet.

He beat Joe Louis's ass

It’s about time for those Fox football robots to branch out

The man has never turned down an endorsement deal - he's currently hawking Epsom printers. Must be a degenerate gambler or just have some severe psychological issues surrounding money.

That more fun to watch.

What is this, a crossover episode?