Buffay the Vampire Layer

Why would the officer’s own union try to throw him under the bus in this instance?


Gross. The Luxor?

Also,I googled to find that quote and nearly every news article was reporting on the event as if it were normal. As in, the headlines were “trump Proposes Ways to Improve Care for Kidney Disease and Increase Transplants” (thank you useless NYT and go fuck yourself) and not “President strokes out on stage, babbles

For people who can't stand to listen to that turd talk: “You’ve worked so hard on the kidney. Very special — the kidney has a very special place in the heart. It’s an incredible thing.”

I hope he ends up on the injured reserve lost for a week this fall because he's sick with the flu.

Kinja is probably going to fuck up the formatting, but this is my favorite Twitter take on this story:

That list just kept going and going holy shit

Oh my God I just realized they didn't include Rocky. What the actual fuck I am apoplectic with offense.

Very nice

Should have included Crews as President Camacho. Get this thing really Goddamn patriotic.

I count at least 5 fictional characters. In addition to the two superheros there's Lt. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, Michael Scott, and Andy Samberg appears to be included as his character in B99 rather than as himself.

IIRC, she's now married to Seth Curry

Plus there's nothing like hearing the WHAP of the ball into a glove.

Haha. Where are you shipping ... your foot?

Waking up early builds character

Which is worse, a head injury or a foot injury?

I’ll go ahead and give everyone here the secret key to sleeping in: severe depression. I slept until 5:15pm yesterday.

Someone post the photo of Creed signing up in the 80+ division for the Michael Scott’s Dunder Mifflin Scranton Meredith Palmer Memorial Celebrity Rabies Awareness Pro-Am Fun Run Race for the Cure.