As someone who has never skied or snowboarded, why the hell did I read this article and go into the comments?
As someone who has never skied or snowboarded, why the hell did I read this article and go into the comments?
Do you mean the NBA replay center in Secaucus?
Literally all he had to do was read the headline to know to nix this particular article. No oversight whatsoever.
144k, if my memory serves
So your point is that she was troubled and thus especially vulnerable?
Ever since 2016 time has slowed down so the world's horrors can fully be witnessed.
That’s really asshole behavior and I hope you reconsider. Please also stop driving the speed limit in the left lane.
I genuinely don’t know whether “Second Take” is a real show or a joke name
I don’t buy it. No one from Deloitte has ever disapproved of drinking in massive quantities.
I have to put in a plug for Puffin Rock here. The best damn kids show on the internet ( Netflix). It's obscenely adorable without crossibg the line into annoying.
Thank you, I was hoping someone would link this so I wouldn't have to.
I think you hit the nail on the head
I am on board with Doris and Breen. He's such a good play by play guy that he could do radio.
Mark Jackson broadcasts are so bad they're just a notch above the ungodly mess that are Players Only games on TNT
Can someone please explain how what this guy said is substantively different than “Korean women are absolutely dominating the LPGA Tour.”?
He fights for Mexico though. Not uncommon for Americans to compete for their parents' country of origin bc there's less competition than here.
True, we are merely their servants
That story made me go give a big hug to one of my cats. He was sleeping and not particularly appreciative.