Buffay the Vampire Layer

Another voice in support of a subscription based deadspin 2.0. My assumption is that deadspin’s readers have more disposable income than average, so this business model might actually be feasible.

Also, why the fuck did I get sent back to the greys two days ago? I'm legitimately beside myself about it. And y'all are now down probably a solid 12% of your visibly female commentariat without me in the black.

Stick it to the Man, Magary! Deadspin has readers who are loyal because of this site’s political and social commentary included alongside sports, not in spite of it.

Seconded. I’m a non idiot in the internet era; I can pull up a box score on my own. I come to deadspin for insight and news that transcends sports. Deadspin has off the charts reader loyalty because of its politics, not in spite of them.

+1 basketball ring

Is that why I got sent back to the greys?  Because I have been bringing grey complaints about the new ownership into the black?  I assumed it was because my biting commentary in the form of a Futurama meme offended Gabe too much.

Wow. I've been an approved commenter for like 18 months now, and I get sent back to the greys for this exceedingly mild criticism in meme form?


He tweeted it. The tweet is embedded in the article.

How in actual hell would one diagnose feline dementia?

Way too many multi syllable words in there to capture 45's essence.


Probably pulled down 100 large for 35 hours of work

Burn in hell for putting that song in my head.

Spoiler alert! Jeez.

This is, indeed, some ridiculous shit.

Seconded. Butt stuff is unjustly maligned due to our baseball metaphor understanding of sex.

This really should be filed to Whimsy