I know I’m replying to a two-year-old comment, but if you’re out there, give the “It” audiobook a listen. It’s narrated by Weber, and it is glorious.
I know I’m replying to a two-year-old comment, but if you’re out there, give the “It” audiobook a listen. It’s narrated by Weber, and it is glorious.
yeah, I think the overwhelming evidence is that the system is too harsh. basically nobody ever gets into the good place because the standards are so rigorous for both actuality and intentions. should be interesting to see Team Cockroach fight the heavenly system.
I dunno...Mac might be a terrible person, but his internalized homophobia (hell, his whole ultra-masculine persona) has always had this weirdly tragic edge to it. Like, on the surface Mac comes across as a shallow, douchey, gym-rat bro who tries to be a “badass” and a “tough guy”...but after a while, it became sadder…
I thought the ending was beautiful, impressive, and on a certain level funny in the way it refused to give audiences the undercutting joke that they expected. It was a tool I didn’t expect to find in their kit 13 years in, and that fact made me laugh.
The Louie-adjacent comparison that came to mind for me was the…
Count me in the “I wanted this to happen until John Mahoney passed away, and now the idea just makes me sad” camp.
I felt about this episode the way Dennis and most of the commenters felt about last week. It’s getting ever so slightly tiresome to see the characters earthbound and to see Michael’s increasingly desperate machinations to bring about the outcome for them that he wants. It’s felt like that a little bit for two episodes…
Look at the ‘Implication’ joke. it might be the funniest thing they’ve ever done. That threads such a tight needle. In the wrong hands (or maybe even in the right hands) it is horribly offensive and some how they made it work.
Even some Vietnamese in there!
the man is truly a racism improv genius.
He threw in a reference to Ho Chi Mihn City too.
I heard at least one Korean reference too. I wonder if the other Asian countries who were left out feel good that they weren’t referenced or left out.
Liefeld bashing is all fine and good, but Cable was created by Chris Claremont and Deadpool and Domino were created by Fabian Nicieza. Liefeld’s “original” characters are slightly revamped versions of Teen Titans or X-men, but XTREME.
Joe Casey’s run along with Fabien Nicieza’s run (and to a lesser extent Gail Simone, if only because her run was so criminally short) were all clear influences on Remender’s take on the character, a lot of Deadpool fans don’t care for the Way penned stuff because it was all the goofy stuff without any of the pathos…
Remender’s Uncanny X-Force was such a slam dunk. It’s a shame that his Uncanny Avengers follow-up was mostly a drag.
We don’t know if Mulaney has ever been murdered or kidnapped,
Sounds like being joked about by a former student really threw him off his rhythm.