
Enjoy that mouthful of broken teeth and a lawsuit after face planting into the concrete after hitting some attorney’s mom. 

A cult classic like “Rocky Horror”? No. Maybe like Battlefield Earth or Ishtar, then yes.

I changed a 50$ solenoid in my Focus after I lost my high gear and was quoted 1400$ for a new trans after multiple shops told me the tranny was broken. Screw repair shops. I go to Youtube first.

Maybe the Earth has had enough and will keep mutating viruses until she finds one that works. 100% fatal.

I don’t think Trump has photos of Graham banging a goat, Putin has them. Just like Putin has photos of Trump getting pissed on by a couple of Moscow hookers. Trump doesn’t have the brains to run a blackmail operation without fucking it up. 

The hubris of engineers to think they can “fix” what it’s taken 150 years to produce is amazing. Hey Earth, you fucked up, you trusted us”. All we can do now is hold on and suffer the consequences of our actions. But the Earth doesn’t give two fucks. It’s seen a lot worse than mankind in its history. We’ll have a few

Run this story again in ten years and have a good laugh. ”We thought the weather was crazy then, were we ever naïve”.

Check out Smarter Every Day on YouTube. They hacked numerous home devices, Siri, Alexa, Nest, etc. with an infrared laser. Opened doors, turned on devices with no audio input. They don’t know why it worked, but it did.

All I had to read was minister and Boy Scout leader to know this guy is not to be trusted. “Bro, did you see the look on her face and what she was wearing? That safety vest and overcoat made her so hot, I had to grab her”. What a piece of shit. 

Enough with Janet Jackson! She was wearing a pasty under the Velcro bra. She isn’t some victim of Timberlake. She was a participant. It was planned. It was free publicity. Get over it.

If you want to watch something funny look up speedbumps in Mexico. They’re 10 inches high, 4 feet wide and unpainted. The locals in resort communities wait for gringos to fly over them and tear out transmissions. Pretty funny.

Nutritional value and BBQ Bacon Burger should not be used in the same sentence.

When you’re as full of shit as Trump is maybe you do have to flush 10 times.

If there was ever a better proof that Trump is completely full of shit I don’t know what it is. 

Not that anyone was paying attention but with this years Nobel Prizes was the chemistry award to Dr. John Goodenough and others for the creation of the lithium ion battery. He also created a solid state battery with that will give electric cars a 700 mile range and which will drive a stake through internal combustion

Did the designer of this truck also design the DeLorean? That is one ugly vehicle.

The Bisquick recipe for Red Lobster cheese biscuits. You had to be restrained when they came out of the oven.

She doesn’t have a duality problem she has a prenup problem. If Trump were to die right now she might get it all if President Dumbass hasn’t given it all to Baron. But then she’d be in charge because of his minor status. The best thing she could do now is want him dead. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

Trump is a goldfish throwing magnetic words against a refrigerator. What an idiot. The only way we’ll get him and the half-baked mafia that is the GOP out is to crush them nationwide next year. If the Dems don’t win by 30 or 40 million votes we’ll have to worry about these assholes driving us all over a cliff.

I think there must have been a typo. The spelling should be 8Cuck.