
The coach had the best flop of the game.

Well dares yer problem, it's an Opel.

So they'd rather look the fool than waste three seconds of their day to open a camera. Tools of the Google.

I predict there will be contests in bars to see who can flick somebodys Glass the farthest. It'll be a sport. Toss it onto the floor of a crowded bar and watch the fun begin.

They'll pull a tag team bitch slap on both shows.

I understand the airport but who leaves 747's?

'll give the far right and their Tea Party cronies credit, they're going to go down swinging. Hopefully for years to come.

Has Survivor become a poor copy of Celebrity Apprentice? Rich assholes trying to act normal?

NO. Hamster ball at a ski resort in Russia. The person inside went right and over a cliff.

Bravo, Colonel. Did you ever roll it or loop it just for grins or was everything plotted and scheduled?

I'd bet that piece of shit has been doing this crap for years. Now watch the home try to declare bankruptcy to avoid all the millions they are about to be sued for.

Wow and he still is.

And most of those were drawn by hand. No cad systems back in the distant past.

I hope he makes a decent picture this time. He's almost the M. Night Shamaylan of acting.

When exactly is Wal-Mart bringing manufacturing jobs back to the US and how would they do it? When the other "job creators" create their jobs? And as for Mike Rowe being "smart" about Wal-Mart, he sold out for the money. It's always about the money.

So is that like a 78,000$ trip to Japan because all that other shit sounds like it's worth 2 grand tops.

Maybe block the assholes texts or kick him in the balls.

Show some humanity and put Detroit on the map. If anyplace needs it we do.

They'd take their shot and kill us all in our sleep.

Does Mariah Carey look more like Jessica Rabbit every day.