Cards fans. They're starting to believe they are the 2010s version of the Yankees.
Did this deserve its own post? It should be over on DUAN.
Needs more Faith Hill.
You tried too hard. Not as hard as his parents did, weaning him off the bottle.
If he's at a Bills tailgate, he's drinking Labatt Blue.
Idiot. Aw, what the hell. +1
If his last name was Kennedy, then we have something.
I'm speechless. That would be awesome.
So, Kirk Gibson was showing up the A's by doing his fist pump?
True, unless you're Bill Belichick.
I was out to dinner with a friend tonight who told me that when the NFL season begins, he's done with baseball.
The Broncos won by 16. It's hindsight, but that's probably where the line should have been. Blowouts don't happen as often in the NFL as they do in college. On any given Sunday and all...
What's surprising is that this doesn't happen to Michigan fans more often.
Like Old Lady Running and yourself, I've represented kids and have done quite a bit of Guardian ad Litem work over the past fifteen years. I had one case where the kids (both girls, 10 and 7 at the time) told me that the father had sexually abused them.
Awful, awful story. I hope the prosecuting attorney makes sure this ass never sees the light of day ever again.
Clay Matthews Jr. played a whopping 19 years in the NFL, most of it with the Browns. He wasn't the star his son is, and was not the player his brother Bruce was. Bruce is a Hall of Famer. Clay Jr. is still waiting.
Verlander just dropped a couple of f-bombs that got picked up by the TBS mikes.