This kid (and I have trouble calling a 6 foot 6 20 year old a kid) is a freaking monster. I am tempted to watch every South Carolina game this season to see what Jadeveon Clowney will do next.
This kid (and I have trouble calling a 6 foot 6 20 year old a kid) is a freaking monster. I am tempted to watch every South Carolina game this season to see what Jadeveon Clowney will do next.
As far as I am concerned, Manning forfeited the right to SRS or hormone therapy upon the commission of espionage. Espionage can result in penalty of death, but did not in this case. Even President Obama stated that Manning broke the law.
Good: A cute golden retriever as your school's mascot.
True. In fact, Orbit the mascot's first name was Kaboom.
I think Marlins Park was the last straw. Everybody was upset about that one, since Miami lost the beloved but decaying Orange Bowl, but moreso because that bastard Loria tanked the team after only one year in their new digs.
Aw, come on. I'm 20 for 20. I think. I've lost count.
I've been rumbled...
There is a huge brewery in Golden, west of Denver. But you knew that already.
Almost none of them can name any Broncos QB before 1983.
Kluwe is a douche, but that's beside the point.
Does the NFL have a growing low-hit culture?
No, that would be soccer.
I am also an accomplished attorney of 19 years, 16 of them in my own practice.
You guys in Buffalo have Pinto Ron. You need no one else.
I would rather live in Kansas City than New York City. Or Eastern Oregon.
Funny you should mention KOTH.
Pictured: has one more World Series ring than the entire Deadspin staff combined.