Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo

I don't know. The Mets and Rays started out poorly, but became winners later. The NFL's 1952 Dallas Texans didn't even last the season, finishing their schedule in Akron.

I love it, you magnificent bastard. +1

Bob & Barbara's? Victor & Victoria's would have been a better name.

The tumor's mother, Ann Anbor, is a whore.

Oh, how cute. A Cat fan who thinks Northwestern has a stellar football program.

WV has ghosts and creatures. That's my only explanation. By day, it's a much more hospitable place, with the best home cooking anywhere. West Virginia ghosts.

Ever been to Pittsburgh? Those Primanti Brothers sandwiches go down great, but come out hard and loud.

6. West Virginia. See Kentucky, minus the bourbon, but plus casinos and a much better college football team. Also, pepperoni rolls and Tudor's Biscuit World.

Pictured: one clueless pussy hound.

Sad photos. You could tell Chase wasn't going to last much longer.

A simple reminder for all the unmarried commentariat out there:

Jezebel coming for you in six...five...four...

You can't fix stupid. Or crazy.

At least he's not imitating our beloved Front Row Amy.

I don't disagree that she's seeking attention, but I don't believe she should be the butt of jokes. Cosmo probably asked her for her side of the story.

I see it in the general tone of the story. Also using the phrase "a little weirdly" toward the end of the story suggests that the author is implying "shut up, this is bigger than you". In a way, it is. And in a more profound and personal way, it isn't.

This should go without saying, but among the Deadspin writers, it apparently doesn't: It is possible for gay people to hurt others. Being gay does not make you noble.

And people think football (our version of it) is violent.