Buenas Noches Londres

I remember when that came out and almost everyone I knew was cracking up over how much posher she sounds than the actual royal person!

It sounds quite put on to me – none of the posh people I know sound like they make that much of an effort to sound posh, you know? (But I can't really think of any other way to say "support," unless it's the American/West Country/pirate way with tons of R in the "porrrrrrrrt" bit.)

I agree; it sounds so unnatural.

I work with some of them… and sometimes have to rewrite their attempts at writing to make them sound not just literate but actually *sparklingly witty*. It burns.

Sadly, many aren't that bright. I once saw a three-woman pile-up at the bottom of a flight of stairs. I try to stay out of Essex.

I've done this before with Americans. I couldn't believe it the first time I heard it.

I once established with American friends that New Jersey is the Essex of America, with Jersey girls being equivalent to Essex girls, etc. (And some helpful Norwegians piped up to add that Swedish girls are the Scandinavian version.)

God, Essex accents are THE WORST. I will never escape them, either.

Just something I found cheap on eBay! I got a bunch of colours all in one go. It's wonderful.

I do my gel nails at home and they last three weeks or more (but three weeks is by far the longest I can go because they just grow too much and the gap at the bottom gets too bit!)

Do they actually make your lips bigger? Or do they just really look like it? I was always fascinated but never actually figured it out.

I'm English and 33 and it was definitely a completely normal word in my circle when I was growing up. I only really figured out that it was no longer acceptable a few years ago, and I suspect that only became clear to me because I a) lived in the US and b) spend a lot of time on the internet! (It definitely seemed old

I've never been pregnant and don't even like sport but ALWAYS cry at the Olympics. It's so weird.

I'm 33 and I've had that line on my neck for a good 5 years, at least. And I get maybe 10 minutes of sun a day (if you count entirely overcast rain as "sun") so I don't think sunscreen would've saved me. It makes me sigh.

I only have one sister, so I just had one bridesmaid — I thought that made it really easy. But in the following years I've heard so many people talking about how obviously a bride has to have her groom's sister be a bridesmaid, and wouldn't it just be so entirely unthinkable to leave the sister-of-the-groom out? Oops.

I really, really, really loved True Detective, but I just saw the first episode of Fargo on a plane… and then watched it again on the way back. SO good.

I made some sort of weird screeching/gurgling/gasping noise.

I almost cried in unexpected delight! I had no idea I felt so strongly about the annoying one off of Downton.

My mum definitely knows who she is, which in my book makes her properly famous (Rita Ora, not my mum). Meanwhile I was just in the US and barely knew who anyone on TV was anymore, so I feel old.

This fascinates me! How does the store determine who took the pictures?