
Just don't have your laptop using dropbox tethered over your cellular data plan when you do this, or you'll probably bust your cap.

oh, the irony... :)

Sweet! Since about 10 days ago I picked up a Razr at the 111.11 price, and a Droid 3 at the same time, they priced matched for me and I got both for a penny each now. Love Amazon!

Because Verizon needs the extra time to fuck it all up with their crapware.

No, It's me too. The guy on the floor:

Sweet! I just got the Amazon deal for 111.11 on this, and was hoping it would get rooted so I can put stock Android on it sans all the Motorola and Verizon BS.

If it has the ability to stream MKVs and such from my NAS, I'm in, especially if it's under $200.

Truly. And this just when I'm getting ready to buy a new Tri bike. :(

Make that with a 15.6 or 17.3 inch screen and I'm in.

It's been Verizon's MO for YEARS. They'll never change. Seek other carriers with better phones then and chill. Your number's portable.

Dude, you need to smoke more....or less?...weed, but not while listening to that. :) Enjoy. I concur with @AintaDamnThingFunny: I do like the soundtrack of the day feature. For some reason I find it hard to search for good music, to actually think about doing it. Although when others point out some great new artist

Just snagged a 32. No 16s left now.

You mean like most of the EU, the US, etc etc, have?

That was really interesting. As someone who has sung and dicked around with music in some way or another all my life, I never really had a full understanding of some of the things she went over. Nicely done, if a little fast.

No, I know why they raised their prices, and I know exactly what he said and didn't say in his comments. I read the news article elsewhere. What he basically said in business speak in the shareholder's call is what I said above. I know the shareholders are a different audience and need to be managed differently, but

Bitched and unsubscribed last week - then seeing Hasting's comments this morning just confirmed my decision. Basically he gave everybody the finger, as in 'Fuck you, we didn't need you anyway - new revenue raised by the increase will cover any losses' - and while that may be true, fuck them, it won't be from me.

@sktaka22381: Sounds like Army basic training. Been there, done that. I can attest to everything tasting wrong after that for the rest of the day. Also to a generally shitty feeling the whole day.

I HAVE to buy this. Now to find my spare cash stash :)

@Bueller: Woot! A star! Thanks!