
Not the same thing exactly but even though one of my best friends that I agree with when it comes to a lot of tv assures me that The Good Wife is fantastic I can't bring myself to give it a chance because it is on CBS. I already have trouble giving network tv a chance because on every level (particularly storytelling

Yeah except it's not really socially acceptable to say "Birth of a Nation" is one of the greatest movies of all time because it's racist as fuck. Call Gone with the Wind racist as fuck and people just make a laundry list of excuses on its behalf.

I still can't figure out what the fascination is with his performance in Magic Mike. It's pretty much just a better version of the sort of character he used to always play, its not a particularly complex or challenging role. He was far better in both Killer Joe and Mud.

The whole handwave of the murder stuff was a bit convenient. I know Graham Yost and co. don't plan that far ahead and sort of write as they go along and weren't sure if Dewey would come back this year but this felt like a negative side effect of that writing style. I appreciate the desire to bring him back and end his

Fair enough, I feel pretty much the same.


I'm not really talking about the childcare aspect. I'm just not sure what makes somebody go "boy howdy, I can't wait for this baby to be born and watch it grow up and then me die or lose my mental coherence right around the point it starts to get interesting."

Jeez, is 70 really an age to be fathering a new a child? Actually its a perfect plan now that I think about it. He'll probably be dead before he has to pay for her college or pretend he has to like some idiot son in law. Well played.

They should have been clearer in the interview but there's been some cases in the past where people have posted video reviews of The Room (The Nostalgia Critic most prominently) and they received a request from a "John" on Wiseau's behalf to take down the reviews. I've also read that if you send a message to try to

"It does raise a valid question about how do you keep the main character in your show active while having him in solitary confinement? He has no one to talk to, so you have to establish something/someone for him to talk to."

Hey now, Sutter wrote some fantastic episodes of The Shield. He CAN be a terrific writer when he's under somebody else's thumb. On the other hand he is a pretty abysmal showrunner.

You may recall, in last week's recaps the dissonance between marketing and the actual show was discussed…

Yes he did! I didn't even think about that similarity because I was so wrapped up in the episode. Good catch.

Eh. Nobody batted an eye at the same actors playing multiple characters in Kevin Smith's "Askewniverse" movies so I don't see why internal logic should be a big hurdle here.

Yeah and it wasn't a happy ending wasn't? It really doesn't even depend on your interpretation of the ending. If he's dead that's bad but not many good options are there for him.

At any rate, a happy ending probably isn't in the cards for Nucky. Not sure if that means death or prison, I expect that at the very least he'll loose his titular empire.

Nucky, Margaret and her kids sit down to eat in a restaurant and something something trite Sopranos reference.

Oddly enough I'd actually rank Reservoir Dogs decently high and consider Vol. 1 the weaker Kill Bill. That said I agree with everything you've said about Jackie Brown. I like that it's a bit more subdued and less flamboyant films (not that there's anything wrong with those, this is just different). It is also in a lot

Jackie Brown is, at least by the majority of people I encounter his most consistently his most underrated film, seemingly for committing the crime of being a bit different from his other films.

Of course! You should always consider the stupidest possible people that might stumble onto your film when making it! That's how great art is achieved!