
I think I wasn't born at the right time to appreciate the Burton original. I was born about a year after it came out and didn't see it until I was maybe ten or eleven and it was already incredibly dated. I appreciate a good sort of whacky unrealistic take on Batman but of these four movies only Returns (one of the

I guess tone doesn't translate through text. I was never bent out of shape or taking things overly seriously. All I did was make a pretty mild observation.

I didn't miss that it was a joke. Condescension and jokes aren't as mutually exclusive as you'd suggest. That you would is mildly surprising considering how much you intertwine the two with one another.

Jeez, does it get much more condescending than the "right thinking people" comment?

I thought Donovan was the mole and Bratt was going to end up dying (possibly heroically). Now I think the reverse will happen.

Season 7 is pretty decent for sure and has a lot of strong stuff. It helps that Renee Walker is pretty much the second lead and she was easily the best character the show introduced after season 5.

Are we gonna delve into blockbusters that were made before the turn of the century?

Yeah, sadly as on board as I was with this season and how much I enjoyed it they have undeniably given Shirley the shaft. Jeff, Britta, Annie and Abed feel like they're all leads on the show but if you just tuned in to any episode this season with no prior knowledge you'd have no idea that she was one of the main

I agree. I'd also say that I can't think of a show in recent memory that dealt so well with members of it's core cast leaving so close together when it could have been absolute disaster.

They got divorced in between seasons 4 and 5 if I'm not mistaken.

I guess that is something, though of course that doesn't necessarily mean she won't leave (deepens to movie trailer voice) IN A BODY BAG!

I need to say it. Even though it was still probably the best season overall Season 2 isn't quite the perfect little diamond people act like it is. It wastes time early on with procedural like episodes, not diving headfirst into the Bennett clan business quickly for my liking. Season 3 lets you know what it's about

I really hope this Ava story is going SOMEWHERE. Honestly, I'm starting to feel like that psycho guard played by Danny Strong should have just killed her back in episode 5. I really don't see much point in her story anymore. Her being little miss prison drug lord accomplishes nothing interesting. Her getting out being

I think there's never been more than just speculation that things were heading that way. I thought it was but now I'm not sure cause they have Raylan seemingly backtracking and trying to be a good marshal. I guess whether he stays that way depends on how he deals with Daryl Crowe.

I think this season's main problem is that it's torn between being so many things. The Crowe family plotline never really felt like a major overriding thing to me like the Bennett clan or Quarels because so much other stuff was going on. It felt like the season was torn between being about the Crowes, Raylan's

Alright, I'll do it. I'll stick up for season 3. I thought it was better than and the pacing was more consistent than season 4.

But antiheroes are cool and everything the protagonist does is always right. Like why would make a show that makes the audience question the hero? That's dumb.
John Good Ol' Boy

Yeah I think the consistency of quality definitely ended after season 3 and season 4 was all over the place. There's some great stuff in there though (McManus losing Em City for a while, Adebisi vs. Said, Bellinger's death, etc.) For me, the finale is the episode where Said kills Adebisi. That's the last truly intense

Glynn's was ridiculous and again any possible drama that could have been taken from it was squandered. If it had happened earlier in the season it would have been potentially interesting and had great consequences (the seeds were there: the whole conflict with McManus and the Governor, Querns returning to take over

Yeah, Eamonn Walker sometime comes off like somebody who has done WAY TOO MUCH COCAINE AND IS WIRED ALL THE FUCKING TIME AND HAS INTENSE CONVICTION ABOUT EVERYTHING but he was a great fit for Said- hell, in general I can't fault Oz with casting, they were damn good at finding actors that perfectly embodied the