All Jeff did was get out before the shit hit the fan.
All Jeff did was get out before the shit hit the fan.
Well, I guess Blitzchung is never getting that apology. Let’s take bets folks, what emote is Blizz going to remove next to make it seem like they are doing something? I’m betting sitting.
I’m pretty sure that if most of those people could do so, then they would.
Here’s an idea...walk out, and then keep walking.
Get in your car, go home, polish up that resume, and go find new work at a company that hopefully won’t subject you to this kind of bullshit on a daily basis.
It’s almost as if you pay your employees less than industry standard with the promise of more profit sharing and then go back on that and keep they money for yourself, they’ll move on
It amazes me how so many people don’t grasp this. Or do and just resent Minecraft that much. I’ve never played it*, but this game absolutely deserves representation in Smash. And it's an unorthodox fighter, which is the best kind of character to add.
LOL. I love it. There are a bunch of others that would be great also, but I like this. If Smash is “Videogames: The Game”, then minecraft deserves it’s representation.
Thanks, I hate it.
Alternatively, Michel Incel.
Maybe he can apply for asylum at Douchebag Incel Preserve, better known as Riot Games.
Maybe they should have been if they were all equally as “toxic”.
I’m convinced that anyone who says "fake news" is lying and also an individual who would get aggressive when not believed. "The report is inaccurate" is much better, but "fake news" just means bullshit
“Fake news." Two words that tell the world you're a douchebag with a boneyard in your closet.
Hmm, I have to admit, I feel a little naive and stupid now. I love “Beyond Good & Evil” and also consider “Rayman Origins” and “Legends” to be platform masterpieces. So I strongly believed in Ancel’s creative talent and vision and he seemed like a nice guy from the little I’ve seen.
I don’t want to sound like a character in a bad japanese RPG but the reality is that most people with power abuse that power. People just quite literally aren’t psychologically made to handle that much control over others. We aren’t prepared for it. We aren’t wired that way.
Non-creative people are currently destroying the rain forest, trying to obstruct people’s voting rights, dumping waste into our oceans, and ensuring that insulin stays expensive because they value profit more than human lives.
So no, creative people are not more shitty than the people actively ruining society at large.
I can’t tell if creative people are, by and large, just really shitty, or if most people are just really shitty, and we tend to hear about the creative ones because they get famous.
When people were so congratulatory to him on the announcement I did think “does no one else find the timing a little... iffy to say the least.”
Play has no limits.*