The ESA is fine when they’re actually doing their job.
The ESA is fine when they’re actually doing their job.
A friendly reminder: The ESA is a dogshit organization built specifically to protect publishers against Government regulation. All of those horrendously predatory and anti-consumer practices the likes of EA, Activision-Blizzard, Square-Enix, Take-Two, Ubisoft, etc., trade in...the ESA is all for.
If only he and Peter Molyneux would form a studio...
Yeah I could have swore it started before the Kickstarter.
always bugs me when I put the number of years since the game was kickstarted into the headline and forget that development actually started in 2010-11.
How’s that kool aid taste?
Chris Roberts leads development on a space sim that promises to be everything you’ve ever wanted, then goes way over-budget, gets delayed year after year, and in the meantime, they put out a dogfighting component to allay the anxiety of fans.
It’s The Quartering on youtube. Thats who the serial harraser is. Jeremy Habley, the dude that runs that channel is an alt-right, racist, sexist, bigoted piece of shit.
Awe, sheeet. basement dwelling white boys are gonna be hella pissed...
This is for anyone that is angrier about not being able to play a video game for 2 hours than they are about what is and has been going on in this country. That’s 2 hours they could use to stop and reflect and ask themselves that very question.
I love me some vidja gaems as much as the next person, but “essential retail”? Hahahaha no. Hope they go over the coals for this.
They can’t even get the BO smell out of the stores what the heck do they think they can do with coronavirus?
I’m going to enjoy the resulting fallout when Gamestop Corporate get the big lawsuit at the end of this.
Perfect, I was looking for another reason to hate GS corporate. I feel for the line-level employees and hope they get shutdown.
Gamestop is so essential that it was going out of business before the pandemic.
If there was ever an appropriate time for a “yikes”, this is it.
Everything about the perverse puritanical stranglehold this country is locked in is sad.
Tits are more offensive than guns. Fuck this country.
Is Blizzard completely unaware of the Streisand Effect or something, or do they just enjoy digging their grave?