Does Nintendo need every second or third hardware console they sell to fail to remind them not to be complete pricks or something?
Does Nintendo need every second or third hardware console they sell to fail to remind them not to be complete pricks or something?
I suppose it makes sense — produce something rather than nothing and float the cross platform until the PS5 is easier to get.
The new controller with haptic feedback and adaptive triggers is really cool and the thing I am enjoying most about my PS5. They would be the biggest reason to want one. But yeah, PS5 specific software is definitely lacking. The games that have PS5 upgrades do look a lot better than they did on my launch PS4 though.…
You can’t “make your own” if you’ve seen the thing you’re not supposed to be trying to copy. This is well tested in law. This is why the term “clean room” implementation exists, where companies will only use engineers you can validate have never actually seen the contents of leaked trade/technology secrets (eg have…
Understanding how twitch does what it does, and why it does certain things, can be an enormous help to smaller streaming sites or anyone looking to start one. I would be very surprised if this wasn’t DLed by LTT both for content and to dissect for Floatplane. I bet Google is going to spread this to engineers. You cant…
How in the hell is hacking (a crime) and leaking stuff illegally going to “foster more disruption and competition”?
Betting that the next Smash a) doesn’t have Sakurai, b) has a paired down roster (betting half the FE characters and most of the 3rd party get dumped), and c) has a greater focus on first-party characters.
Yeah, I’m very much in the camp that if your job requires frequent 80+ hour weeks you’re either bad at your job or your boss is bad at management.
The thing about heavy work weeks like that is that they’re sometimes useful/needed in the short term. Like, I’ve done stretches where I’m doing nothing but the job for a week or two, sure. It’s exhausting and draining, but the point is that when you get the job done, the job’s done, and you can relax.
If a job requires 80+ hours a week... hire 2 fucking people. No one should EVER work that much. There is no benefit to overworking people.
Look, you might be just fine licking boots in your industry, and more power to you. The rest of us understand that “everyone does it this way” is not an excuse for anyone doing it this way. “It’s bad everywhere, so we should just give up trying to make it better anywhere,” is a cowardly, lazy outlook.
Curt’s a weird case to me. Watched him play baseball from the early 90s. Watched those truly incredible World Series’ in 2001 and 2004. I remember him as a broadcaster around the time that (I think?) minor league player came out, and he commented positively on it saying that they’ve taken strides but acceptance isn’t…
Oh man, I got excited for one second thinking Deadspin allowed comments again (I was redirected here from somewhere else).
Anything that says, “You can earn serious cash,” is a scam.
The only reason that a CEO has their position is because the board has been convinced that they will generate the most profits... not that they will be ‘responsible’ or ‘accountable’. In fact, most of their contracts specifically reward them for failing bad enough to have to leave.
It ain’t done until Townsend, Kotick, and the rest of the C-Suite enablers are gone too.
Bobby Kotik is still their leader. He was SUCCESSFULLY sued for Sexual harassment last year. They are definitely not taking this seriously.
Frances Townsend is still there, pardon me if I still don’t believe they’re taking this seriously.