
No convictions to be courageous about.  This was a publicity stunt through and through.

What a chode. He’s never going to donate to any charity and just hopes everyone forgets about it.

And if your fanbase thinks you’re being FORCED to donate to charity, an action that is so outlandish to them they think it can only be performed under duress, you have a garbage fucking fanbase.

This would be a lot more convincing if he didn’t have an iron fucking cross on his collar come on man

This is so weird. Donating to the ADL is a positive thing all around. How could you not be passionate about the ADL? Why would you let anti-Semitic trolls dictate that decision? Who cares what conspiracy nut-jobs think? Why does this guy always ALMOST do something right and then shoot himself in the foot? Will his

In other news, PewDiePie confirms that he is irredeemably pathetic and craven.

The ADL ordered him to rescind because people were getting too close to the truth. Also it’s about integrity in gaming journalism also.

But then I remembered how much money I make off of them!”

I … I don’t understand...
- dude makes anti-Semitic jokes
- dude gets shit for it, rightfully
- dude says he’s going to donate to ADL as a way to take responsibility
- some idiots on the internet don’t like this
- he decides not to donate to them, as a way to... take responsibility??

I feel like I’m missing a piece of logic

Felix Kjellberg is and will always continue to be an anti-semite. No donation would have changed that. This reneging shouldn’t surprise anyone. If anything, this was all part of a plan to boost his views with alt-righters. “Standing up to SJWs” and all that other nonsense.

So the next time this dude claims sincerity, we’re just supposed to buy it wholesale, right?

Real courage of your convictions there, Pewds.

Such bravery.

Anthem: You wanna be Iron man without the badass energy guns? No? Well f*CK you.

But modders don’t have to be concerned with compatibility. At least not any more than they want to care. Plenty of mods don’t play well together on the same platform. And modders abandon them constantly. MS is in a situation where changes to Bedrock affects many platforms. And then have to work with those changes

No one is owed a spot on anyone else’s platform. If the PA guys don’t like their politics (and good for them if they don’t, honestly) then they don’t have to put them on stage.

i’d say the fact that Morris decided to go to the Knicks of his own free will is proof enough that Pop would have issues with his decision making

Somehow this will work out in the Spurs’ favor. 

Seems odd that you can’t use TV mode at all—didn’t we confirm the dock has no extra processing power, it’s basically just a connector? I mean obviously that’s not the point of this model, but it still seems odd they couldn’t just keep that feature in case anyone wants to use it.

So they jettisoned everything unique and wonderful about the Switch, while effectively upping the price? And the screen’s significantly smaller because they couldn’t bother to go bezeless?

Jesus Christ, Nintendo, what are you doing? I can only hope the other half of that rumor, the Switch “Pro”, isn’t so disappointing.

I wasn’t clear in my OG post. My point is that a hdmi connector would have cost nothing to add to this. It’s a ripoff. The original switch is looking like a great deal compared to this.

Cuphead’s artwork and animation is amazing. I double dipped on PC and Switch.