

My daughter and I were more concerned about how he cleans off the (what appears to be) lamp black. It seems like it would take a while to come off, but there are several scenes throughout the movie where Bruce should be raccoon-eyed and shows not a trace of black.

I love Miles Davis. The most original, exacting artists always have contrary opinions, always hate what others (even rightly) love, because it's by separating themselves from their peers that they achieve greatness: by trusting in their own rightness, by deciding 'this is the path of art and other paths are invalid'.

I haven't read those books in ages, but I remember the Great Brain stories addressing different forms of discrimination, partly to more accurately portray the injustice of the time. Sometimes stories with the goal of exposing discrimination still manage to encode unexamined biases. I loved all those books too. While I

The Bible was written Calvinball style, so I'll go ahead and say that while it may be darn near impossible to achieve complete coherence and consistency without adding layers of 'fanon' on top of the resulting structure (and believe me, there's a ton of fanon in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and indeed every

Since many people would choose to close their eyes, I would imagine the use of the device would border on torture if we're talking about forcing people (I'm sorry, 'enemies') to keep their eyes open, as in A Clockwork Orange. And the same technology could be used to measure what images you find disturbing, then

Heh. I just watched The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, and Clint Eastwood's Man With No Name does just this to Tuco. Which, really, was forcing him to make the correct move... a good idea, since Tuco proves his stupidity time and time again throughout the film.

Since this is a meaningless (but fun!) exercise, and since the next generation MS & Sony (but probably NOT Nintendo) console generation will feature some streaming games at some point in their life-cycle, how about nBox, as in the next console will be the Xbox 3, 4, 5... and also a play on inbox, as in log in to see

Since this is a meaningless exercise, anyway, and since it's likely we'll see some sort of game streaming at some point in the next MS & Sony (but most likely NOT Nintendo) console life-cycle, how about nBox, as in the next console is the Xbox 3, 4, 5..., as well as punning on in-box, as in turn it on and see what new

I hope he didn't get any clarity on her dress...

I get what you're saying, that, for instance Rothfuss happily occupies a genre ghetto where his (highly enjoyable) stories refuse to interact with and comment upon our world, but are you including Pullman? Because I felt like His Dark Materials was only children's literature in the sense that it invited children to

So that's what Xbox8 means...

He looks about three beers away from an appearance in 'Meet the Feebles'. Luckily, they serve beer at Chuck E. Cheese.

I remain cautiously optimistic that Totilo et al. know there are some problems with how the new system is playing out at Kotaku and will at least attempt to address what concerns they can. I bring up these issues so that they are on the table during those discussions. Having been through this before, it's not

In a 'funny how you just killed me for doing what it seemed like I should do' ha-ha sort of way... Limbo is comedy for fans of knee slappers like the original Super Mario Bros. 2 (SMB: The Lost Levels, I think it's called?). Personally, I chuckled through the Platformance games, so I see where Kirk is coming from.

I guess, as with anything, there is a de facto incentive structure that results from the new system. To an extent, that's conscious. I just hope that the kind of comment that Kinja encourages is to the staff's liking, because I believe the intentions are good. Or that the system is capable of being tweaked if it turns

I do have one comment, having some small experience with Kinja under my belt. As with this article, I am early to the table. There's one comment showing, and it's not a great conversation starter. The problem I ran into was that I posted a couple of long, (I hope!) thoughtful comments, that by the time they were

I agree with St. John, to a point, but for me it's about the quality of the voice work, although I agree there is a fairness issue. I think the fairness issue could probably be resolved by flattening the pay somewhat between the rank-and-file and celebrity voices, which would make VA jobs less attractive for

I don't think Legend of Korra is perfect, but then neither was Avatar: The Last Airbender. Avatar was great, but it suffered from pacing problems too, namely that there were too many episodes. Korra had the opposite problem, to a greater degree. One of the many, many things I loved about the original series was that

So just why isn't Lars von Trier directing Thor 2? In which Jane Foster is dragged through the rotted twisted roots of Yggdrasil and then separates Thor from his... hammer.