
Maybe not much consolation, but the Paramount+ movie starring Michelle Yeoh as the mirror universe Georgiou takes place in this gap, and there will be some sort of appearance by a young Rachel Garrett who eventually captains the Enterprise C.

I was skeptical of the device of interspersing the gameplay with little short stories, but it was so well done that I’m shocked we haven’t seen more games do this. I believe they were written by a novelist, and it shows. They really build a well of emotion under the structure of the game, and eventually, it pays off

Opened the comments hoping someone had already said this.

Yes, thank you. Meant to mention that as well.

And... she didn’t say that having defeated Anakin, but having disarmed him, choosing to stop fighting. If she had killed him, she would have been lost, if she had lost, she would have lost. Only by choosing not to fight did she win. Perhaps pointedly, this is essentially the crossroads Anakin reached when battling

One interesting question that my oldest kid and I went back and forth on: was Anakin a force ghost here, or was this more along the lines of a hallucinatory vision quest at a force nexus, like Luke facing Vader on Dagoba? In the latter case, it would not so much be Anakin, but Snips’ psychological understanding of him

I don’t know that the chemistry is better, but Joe Vs. The Volcano is amazing and way better than those two.


It’s taken me hours to chip away at these remembrances because I would just get overwhelmed. I clicked through all the replies to articles and comments that Kinja or whatever system is currently in place has seen fit to save, to see how long I have been here (I don’t comment much anymore, and didn’t at first, either)

Dameron: The Origin of FN-2187's Lover

Jude Law or Djimon Hounsou would work, as well.

You seem to have Star Wars confused with 2001: A Space Odyssey.

I felt like this paralleled the flashback to the end of the fight between Anikin and Obi-Wan. Vader defeated her decisively, letting her know she wasn’t yet good enough. But he left her alive because he still sees her potential, and by showing her how she has been used by Kenobi (the Jedi way), bringing her further to

My theory is that Reva’s ultimate motivation is get an audience with Vader. Either she covets his tutelage, or more likely wants to get close enough to kill him. And she has Michael Jordan levels of drive to be the best in order to get what she wants, which is why she ratchets up every parkour move to its highest

Solo thoughts:

Big Mac w/ sausage instead of the beef patties is a contender. With a Coke.

If Spider-Man is going to be in these movies, why wouldn’t they be billed as Spider-Man movies. A whole slate of movies from the perspective of the villains, while kind of fascinating, would have to be supremely well done, and really feels like Sony is attempting to end the age of the comic book movie with a bunch of

Much like the Superman’s ‘S’ symbol does not actually refer to his Superman moniker, I’m guessing the ‘A’ is meant to stand for Atlantis. It wouldn’t make sense that he would go by ‘Aquaman’ or wear a symbol of such among his people, it’s what humans on land call him.

Previously replied to wrong comment because Kinja. Then I clicked cancel and it posted there.

See Tarantino switching to black and white (and blue/black silhouette when the Bride battles the Crazy 88 in Kill Bill, vol. 1 to avoid an NC-17 rating. Is it stupid? Yes. Does it matter to the MPAA? Yes.