I still like Beta Text, Water Cooler does make sense, and though I don't think it'll take, I'll throw it out there... The Sausage, as in 'how the sausage gets made'. Anyway, just throwing my Sausage into the ring.
I still like Beta Text, Water Cooler does make sense, and though I don't think it'll take, I'll throw it out there... The Sausage, as in 'how the sausage gets made'. Anyway, just throwing my Sausage into the ring.
I feel about the same way as I do about The Pale King, the posthumous, unfinished David Foster Wallace novel. It's not like a lot of casual or non-fans are going to pick these things up and form their opinion of the artist, but for true fans and scholars, it's edifying to see what ideas these artists were wrestling…
Awesome. Thanks for the update.
Are we really losing our comment history, or is this temporary?
I kind of agree with both Jason and Stephen. I think 3D is a fine feature, and I think Nintendo will continue to use it in sometimes exciting ways. I don't think they'll stop featuring 3D prominently in their games. But 3D as a focus for Nintendo's marketing energy was going nowhere, the focus should and will be on…
I'm not 'going anywhere', either. As much as I have enjoyed reading and making comments, the days when I did that frequently have been over for some time now. Gawker likes to burn bridges from time to time, meh. But I still like Kotaku for its reporting, its opinions, its many varied voices. I don't know if our…
Meredith's a waterbender... and, and... a bloodbender... and, and... Tarlok's brother!
I'm positive I heard the battery life was better on the XL, which makes sense, most of the innards would be the same, ergo more room for a larger battery. The head-scratcher is the lack of a second thumb pad. I guess Nintendo isn't going to push support for twin stick play, which is a shame. But if these initial…
Agreed. I just loved the opening of Wall-E, and the back half, while entertaining, seemed to betray the simplicity and beauty that had pulled me in. I won't say it was terrible or even bad, but it seemed headed for greatness, like it had to average out to be as noisy, garish and broad as the average movie, and since…
It's weird... I agree that Brave didn't clobber me with greatness. And in a way, I wasn't fully satisfied by the films feminism: certainly I don't believe in arranged marriages, but I had hoped that the story would refute them while blowing past the issue and allowing Merida to kick some ass. But I really bought into…
I voted for Cinnamon Toast Crunch, but Raisin Nut Bran deserved a spot on the poll. I wish you could buy bags of the raisins from RNB, for the purpose of adding them to CTC, resulting in Cinnamon Raisin Toast Crunch.
If we're talking raisin-based cereals, I have to go with Raisin Nut Bran, but I like your tatoo. It's not common, it'll start conversations about your presumed atheism, and it's funny. Good job.
Starred commenters (including editors by default) have their comments in black, unstarred commenters in grey, and commenters pending approval boxed in pink. It's possible in your account preferences or at the top of the comments to see the featured (black) or all comments. I believe only starred commenters see the…
Moderators/editors can click 'thumbs down' to demote a comment, if it were off-topic, maybe. I know back when Crecente was EIC there was mention that posting internet memes, especially if off-topic, was frowned upon. Trying to keep the comments from becoming an outpost of 4chan. The comment sounds like a hint that you…
Me too! I probably got it because the box art (which would be the album art, natch) looked cool. It was one of the worst games I ever played on the 2600.
First off, I should mention that, while I love the books, and love the series, it's not the end of the world if neither series ends. If one ends, that's probably enough to satisfy me. And if I had to choose only one, well, I might choose the series. Why? Well, when an author sets out to write a book, there is a…
I absolutely LOVE the sarcastic agressive-aggressiveness there, Porxaderp. inb4 LOVE the meta-regressive aggressiveness there, buddhathing.
The funny thing is, while these folks may have been trolling, and may or may not be idiots, if they had honestly followed their goals, they might have ended up with something that actually supplemented Tropes Vs. Women in Games. Because, speaking as a man and a feminist, there were some valid points in those…
I think it's possible to both like FFXIII and XIII-2, and still realize that Square Enix has stopped innovating, has been playing things extremely safe and is risking irrelevance, as regards FF. I am curious about this mobile FF, and I hope they expend a lot of effort on story and characters. SE could turn out a game…
There were moments where JC edged towards being so fun that it felt like I might be watching something like Star Wars or Raiders of the Lost Ark, where it becomes impossible to distinguish between fun and greatness, and the greatness comes from the fun, because (especially in Raiders) all of the other stuff (camera…