
Thanks, Kobun, you're a treasure... I regret that I only have one heart to give you. Do you have a blog?

*Fires up Windows on a Mac, cracks knuckles* Let's do this!

Is there some huge overlap between Cronenberg fans and Team Edward? I want to see this, but not because of Pattinson. I would think DeLillo Cronenberg Cosmopolis would be more effective. Also, I'm a little scared I'm going to walk into a theater and see a one-sheet reading Franco Franco Child of God...

I'd say if you cleared up the political influence problem, copyright and patent reform would be much, much easier, so I would go with that.

Why don't all PS3 games do this? I've had a 360 most of this generation, and I can't think of a game the default is to allow up to four players to log in, with achievements. I seriously thought it was me doing something wrong when I first got our PS3. My kids still don't like to play PS3 multiplayer, since their

I can see how Soderbergh's Solaris could be considered a failure as a remake or an adaptation, but unlike most of the films mentioned, I think it's pretty great anyway, a bleak romantic tragedy about memory and the possibility of bridging the impossible chasm between one person and every other person. I have

Well... the Android Marketplace requires you to have an Android device registered, an it doesn't recognize the Fire as such, probably by Amazon's design. When I bought my Fire, this wasn't a big deal, as you could download the .apk from a file hosting service and 'sideload' it onto the Fire. And then the Justice

Unfortunately, Pinball Arcade isn't in the Kindle Fire store or I'd likely be playing Medieval Madness while my son plays ME3 *sadface*. Oh, well... Zen Arcade on 3DS it is, then. Interesting that there's no PHoF branding on Pinball Arcade; I wonder if this could lead, down the road, to original tables from

I'm making an effort to give Newtaku a chance, and remember, New Coke caused everybody to realize how great the old stuff was, then quickly disappeared. Cautiously optimistic, etc. Btw, do you know when The Pinball Arcade comes out for consoles (speaking of cautiously optimistic)?

With a little dedication, a Kinect and lots of lube, there's no reason we can't have both!

I also liked that you could see who had taken the time to make the nomination, as well. But regardless, I think it's great that Kotaknew is bringing back a comment of the week, in whatever form. To me, it symbolizes a rededication of the big K to its community. I don't ask for everything old to be new again (sniff,


I think one of the reasons Ebert's stance on video games as art is so infallibly frustrating every time he expresses it is that he is that a lot of gamers (and maybe especially critics) actually respect the guy, and for good reason. And part of the reason for that is that he seems like the kind of guy who could get

I had to look up the an hero in question. What a blaze of glory and, and, sadly, truth-telling. Oh, the defensiveness! Oh, the straw men! The thin skin! I've continued to read Kotaku, but I haven't been brave enough to really read comments or participate in the daily discussion threads in a long time. And that used to

I have this one, I quite like it (I never did like PS controllers). To me, the bat-controller is a bit garish, but if it's Power A, I'd say go for it.

I bought a PS3 this summer, and though I've enjoyed it, I still play my 360 more by a wide margin (recently that's Bethesda's fault, they can't seem to release a game on PS3 that's not buggy, but really XBL is tha shiznitt, and I have a weakness for gamerscore, all other things being equal.). Now, I'm certainly

It's more a matter of contrast than any similarity between them, but I couldn't be happier that Skyrim and Super Mario 3D Land released at nearly the same time. Just when the hours of ADD hopping from side quest to side quest to hey-I'll-just-swim-around-through-the-ice-floes-for-a-while start to wear me down, the

I tried 4-5 times to kill that troll, then decided to run like hell on up the path. It worked! I still haven't killed a troll, though at level 27, I probably could. I'm currently letting a wolf attack me just as much as it wants to level up in light armor, and I my (non-clinical) OCD means that the piling up of side

I would love either Chewitel Ejiofor or Helen Mirren as the next Doctor, either on TV or the big screen (we could have both!!). But my daughter and I have discussed the possibility of Daniel Radcliffe as the Doctor, and think he could really pull it off (and begin a transition from being identified with one role to

NBA2K6 on the 360. I didn't know it would be famous for the ease of picking up gamerscore, I just like basketball games and used to play them a lot. I reviewed the achievements, and, having noticed how easy the game A.I. was, decided to see how many achievements I could get in a single game against the computer (I