
Maybe it's just because I had a daughter who wasn't old enough to 'drive' a kart, but could sure dish out the pain as my son's wingman, but I loved Double Dash. And the only complaint most people who played Luigi's Mansion had was that it was short, but I say it didn't overstay it's welcome. One of my favorite GC

Super Mario 3D Land is the perfect way to take a break from Skyrim, and vice versa. That is all.

Paint balls?

I'm loving Skyrim. That said, I would have loved to have some slightly deeper combat. Some sort of combo/rhythm or something besides just spamming buttons, to make things more interesting, yes, but also to make things easier on higher difficulties, if you put in the work. Not, Arkham, but at least Paper Mario. But

I'm pretty sure the implication is, 'Should You Buy'... if you're into that sort of thing. As in, does this game look like it lives up to expectations, in advance of the full review, so that gamers who know their preferences don't get ripped off. Seriously, knowing that regardless of quality, Elder Scrolls games

I know at least two (very cool) people who haven't seen any of the Star Wars films, and see it as sort of a badge of honor. Honestly, as much as I love Episodes IV and V, and to a lesser extent VI and III, it does kind of seem as though a lot of the continuing value of the films originates in having seen at least one

Oh lord, is that an OED in the background? So jealous. I remember around 1990 or so being in high school and spending $70 on a Random House Unabridged Dictionary (I had a coupon for 30% off any one book at Tower Books [R.I.P.]). I still have it, and love it, but I was heartbroken that I couldn't afford to foot the

I had trouble trying to post it too... that's why I went with the quote.

But you don't have the frontispiece yet?

I'm going to send a request later today! If your 1,000 pt. super score offer didn't convince me, your London Calling avatar would have sealed the deal... A friend was just telling me yesterday about meeting Paul Simonon at a Havana 3 A.M. show...

The recent Sorcerer's Lair for PBFX2 has been getting a lot of playtime out of me... feels like it could be heading for a Medieval Madness level of fixation, but we'll see. Certainly it took Zen a while to get up to a high level, but they've been making some great playing tables that have a sort of magical realism.

I'm hoping by making a slapping motion you will be able to call up a virtual Tyrion Lannister to slap the shit out of characters that are annoying you on whatever show you're watching. Make this work with live sporting events and Microsoft can print money. In the heat of the moment and halfway down a twelve pack, who

I'd love to see the already beautiful Luigi's Mansion in HD, and updated for the Wiimote control it truly needs.

I clicked 'reply' to Zom-B, thinking 'Sure, I'll condense it, try to show that the article was about baseball, sure, but also about an amazing individual, about history and the process by which a way of life can slip away in a few short years, etc., etc. Well, my prose is clunky, and it wasn't really worth cleaning

Amazingly, since I'm late to this news and late to this thread, someone beat me to 'So long, and thanks for all the fish' by 13 minutes. But damn, thanks for everything Mr. McWhertor. Good night, and good luck.

As someone who bought a PS3 for Ni No Kuni and The Last Guardian and then sweat bullets upon hearing Ni No Kuni might never localize to NA/Europe, this is welcome, welcome news. I had heard it was coming over, but it's great to hear that Namco Bandai specifically is bringing this beautiful game to our shores. I would

My initial reaction was positive... I love Twisted Pixel, and I'm truly happy for them. Then I thought about Rare. For now I remain cautiously optimistic.

I'm a big fan. Just had a glass from the tap.

Diet Dr Pepper Ten is so, so good. Diet Dr Pepper has always been one of the most disappointing diet sodas (although it's certainly gotten better: it was pretty much undrinkable when I was a kid in the eighties), but this new stuff is good. Along with diet Pepsi Max (which tastes like the excellent Safeway Select diet

Bra-fucking-vo. Take a bow, Owen. For proof that I did my homework, you can check my reply to Zom-B.