
I can't stand baseball, but that was a terrific read. Basically, having plowed tobacco fields as a youth during the Great Depression, Jack Swift developed both a gargantuan work ethic and unusual physique. He had a blindingly quick (although sometimes wild) fastball due to his breastbone remaining unfused due to all

Average weight: 50kg... Avg fecal deposit: 49kg. Wait, what? And yes, I tried to visualize an Ewok defecating 98% of its body mass.

What happens when Peter Dinklage walks into the room during Game of Thrones?

Good lord, my tear ducts swung into action just thinking abstractly about Spock's death in Wrath of Khan... I didn't watch the scene, you didn't even quote Spock's devastating final lines of dialogue, and I'm up to here with the chopped onions.

How is it? I am shy of even trying this type of game, as I love it, and yet I am so often disappointed. Really, when these games turn out to have controls that don't click with me, or bad board design, or feel too fast or slow, it makes me sad... kind of the way I felt when the XBLA version of Qix was released. I

It seems little more than a week ago that I was wondering: where is Tim Rogers? Was he maimed by a Puma? Did he and Crecente have a disagreement over hair care that escalated into a nude wrestling match contested in an inflatable pool filled with truffle oil? And now? Well, the world has been set right, and lo, I have

The flip-side is that there was a time when a novel could be stylistically complex and wide ranging in its concerns, and still be popular. Gravity's Rainbow was a best-seller. There's nothing wrong with popularity, but 'accessible' is code for needlessly dumbed-down in the attempt to appeal to a broader audience. This

Leonard's complaint really isn't that Readme isn't 'sci-fi' enough, just that it's not as complex as previous novels, doesn't explore its own ideas in enough depth. He does mention that that complexity, and an engatement with technology and philosophy, has attracted SF readers, but he never refers to Stephenson as an

I know... I tried to get it set up, but my local service provider dropped the ball & I never had working service...

I know it's Fall Out Boy... and for the record, I only know the song title from playing Rock Band.

Yeah... my massive amount of butthurt was affecting my reading comprehension skills.

That's assuming it's compatible with the extended battery...

My kids each have a (I must say, beautiful) 3DS. Hot tears of shame are being shed this morning. Because we don't have Wifi and I don't have a car I did not get in on the ambassador program. I had reconciled myself with this. But now I feel violated.

It's not a scene, it's an arms race...

I had kind of forgotten, but now that you mention the localization, RS was really funny. This is great news for 3DS owners.

Between my kids and myself, the original Rocket Slime burned up well over 100 hours. It was worth every penny, and then some.

So I looked up FRGS, for anyone who is fascinated by carnivorous horses and those who are compelled to write paranoid books about them. It stands for Fellowship of the Royal Geographical Society. According to Wikipedia, "Fellowship of the Society is conferred to anyone over 21 who has a deep involvement with geography

Lets see... tofu... legumes, various tree nuts, check. Enriched rice milk, GNC protein powder, check. Tiger's Milk... it's an addiction. Looking down this list, I must've tried 23 different kinds of protein, each more sinister than the last. I guess I've got no choice but to sample human flesh.

It takes a while to make note of all the changes, when you only watch for an average of seven minutes at a go.

OK, so this means that customer service reps aren't allowed to use the outage as a reason to credit you for lost service. But as Brian discovered, and anybody who has worked in a call center doing customer service knows, this is not a popular decision that employees will be inclined to enforce. These type of rulings