
I know... I tried to get it set up, but my local service provider dropped the ball & I never had working service...

I know it's Fall Out Boy... and for the record, I only know the song title from playing Rock Band.

Yeah... my massive amount of butthurt was affecting my reading comprehension skills.

That's assuming it's compatible with the extended battery...

My kids each have a (I must say, beautiful) 3DS. Hot tears of shame are being shed this morning. Because we don't have Wifi and I don't have a car I did not get in on the ambassador program. I had reconciled myself with this. But now I feel violated.

It's not a scene, it's an arms race...

I had kind of forgotten, but now that you mention the localization, RS was really funny. This is great news for 3DS owners.

Between my kids and myself, the original Rocket Slime burned up well over 100 hours. It was worth every penny, and then some.

So I looked up FRGS, for anyone who is fascinated by carnivorous horses and those who are compelled to write paranoid books about them. It stands for Fellowship of the Royal Geographical Society. According to Wikipedia, "Fellowship of the Society is conferred to anyone over 21 who has a deep involvement with geography

Lets see... tofu... legumes, various tree nuts, check. Enriched rice milk, GNC protein powder, check. Tiger's Milk... it's an addiction. Looking down this list, I must've tried 23 different kinds of protein, each more sinister than the last. I guess I've got no choice but to sample human flesh.

It takes a while to make note of all the changes, when you only watch for an average of seven minutes at a go.

OK, so this means that customer service reps aren't allowed to use the outage as a reason to credit you for lost service. But as Brian discovered, and anybody who has worked in a call center doing customer service knows, this is not a popular decision that employees will be inclined to enforce. These type of rulings

New line of dialogue added in Ep. IV

Enterprise's theme selection was... gutsy.

Maybe Lucas can excercise some forgotten clause in Harrison Ford's contract, and the OT can start with voice-over instead of the cheesy yellow crawl they were forced to use due to technological limitations back in the day.

You'll really love the new Episode III scene with the Emperor shouting 'Unlimited Power' as he's choking the bishop.

I wouldn't mind a minor DS Lite/XL style revision; It might be a great time to rebrand as Super Nintendo DS or Super Nintendo 3DS... they certainly shouldn't remove the 3D functionality at this point, but they should probably de-emphasize it somewhat, and some developers should be encouraged to release games with no

I never could bring myself to watch either of them, having been burned by Daredevil. I am cautiously (perhaps foolishly) optimistic regarding the upcoming Neveldine & Taylor Ghost Rider movie.

Great costumes, but even cosplay of Shadow Link makes my thumbs hurt.

I had the same thought! They could crack walnuts, those thighs!