
This issue transcends party politics, and thinking otherwise makes things worse. In regards to Executive power, due process and secrecy, the Obama administration is simply continuing the path of the Bush administration (which also bristled at the need for warrants, and tried to eliminate the need, either through

Anybody who you vote for and who is later elected, will be, by definition, a Washington Politician. Failure to join a caucus or 'play the game' will make them an ineffective Washington politician. There always have been politicians on either side of the aisle that actually care about privacy, and our rights generally.

I had the comic but not the TRS-80. And I didn't realize for all these years that Supes and Ms. Wilson had 'hooked up'. God, I loved Radio Shack. And these comics seemed like one more point in their favor.

I forgot where I heard the suggestion first, but they should have taken a page from their past, and called their device the Super DS or Super Nintendo DS. Everyone would have immediately grasped that it wasn't just a new model but an upgrade.


Did someone say 'Christ'? That gives me some great story ideas!

I thought there was a lot to like about Brandon Routh's Superman, it's just that Bryan Singer's story had problems. But even though I ultimately didn't like how the story turned out, I did like the way the film approached Superman, and I wouldn't have minded seeing what Singer would have done with a sequel, as I like

Superhero costume design comes right after self-actualization on Mazlow's heirarchy of needs, right?

Writing off the final Nolan Batman film might be throwing the baby out with the bathwater. GL looked horrible, I've seen and read nothing about this Superman movie that has encouraged me in the slightest, but I've never seen an unsatisfying Christopher Nolan movie (though some are better than others). And having

Marnie, yes, obv... Probably Jesus. And I'm going to say Hoyt dies to save Jessica, despite the 'For you, Monster' box.

I agree... The NA SNES is a much stronger design than the Super Famicom, which looks kind of thrown together. I could see complaining about the buttons, since assigning a different color to each button could aid in remembering control schemes, but the SNES lavender/purple configuration is more stylish.

I agree. If Squeenix says it's OK, that's their right. But it's still bullshit.

But will there be a scissoring mechanic? These are the questions I come up with while having and eating cake. Sweet, sweet, lesbian cake.

I didn't look to see who wrote up the Frankenreview, but as soon as I read that line, I knew it was Fahey.

That New Yorker article is worth the read. And unlike their (also worth checking out) profile of Shigeru Miyamoto, the writer had a gamer-positive outlook, more perhaps than Jennifer Hale. The person who wrote up Miyamoto seemed to class games with drugs as unsavory things that her children would have to wait for

Those two sellers are using a bot to automatically set their price slightly higher than the highest price for that item. But two of those bots in the same metaphorical room together, and ridiculousness ensues... I see it on Amazon as well.

Thank you thank you thank you for reviewing a WP7 game! I know it's Microsoft's fault that there aren't many games, not your fault for not reviewing, but I had started to think none of you guys had access to a WP7 phone anymore. Yay, Mike's wife!

I hear what you're saying about repeat enjoyment vs. spoilers, but I still kind of agree... knowing the surprise or twist or solution to a story allows you to enjoy the construction of the work, how seemingly simple details can have two meanings, or how straightforward interactions are actually ironically played. This

Great googly-moogly I would love a new Rogue Squadron... and it's a game that could conceivably benefit (Wave Racer too!) from 3D.

Or cocaine.