
I am now looking forward to First Class, and I was already stoked about Aronofsky's Wolverine just on his previous work and Hugh Jackman's continuing awesome embodiment of Wolvie. I think if both movies do well, we'll continue to see X-movies in some form. As to which of the existing, and upcoming films are in the

Two-Face wasn't a distraction in The Dark Knight because his presence in the movie flowed from the theme of society's response to anarchic evil. Where Marvel sequels get into trouble is adding in villains (and heroes) just to sell merchandise/comics and to set up other movies. And the messiness of Spiderman 3/Iron Man

CGI effects even when they're good, aren't nearly as interesting as practical effects, and practical effects usually look better, too. I realize everything can't be done in camera, but when there's an attempt to only use CG when it's the best solution and not as the default, it shows. I would even argue that an

I couldn't decide whether to be offended, or to drop my guard, consider it awesome, and start writing my spec script, "tSUNami!" for Syfy.

Dating yourself... and I bet you put out, too! I never saw that, but I sure did appreciate the ladies of DS9.

Who could forget "Edward Penisfingers"?

@GrimeyRyder: Mmmm... trippin' off the beat kinda drippin' off the meat grinder... classic.

I've had Therion's Gothic Kabbalah, Agalloch's Marrow of the Spirit and Girl Talk's All Day on heavy rotation recently... The Girl Talk is free at illegal-art.net/allday/

I agree with the inclusion of Viva Pinata on Split-Screen's list. It is cute as hell, but before you know it, you've learned quite a complex set of actions and rules, and the game becomes quite deep after awhile. Like it's candy-colored cousin Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts, its strong visual appeal might pull in people

@xerdo: I've played strip Tetris, of all things... and I'm pretty sure I've played naked on a hot day, and I'm dead positive I've been naked but under blankets while gaming, but I'm not sure if that really counts.

@PudgiesJockeyGivesTheRideOfYou...: I'm not saying if you're not saying...

@The MSJ: The Confederate soldiers are all dressed in blue?

@smellyalaterforever: And then, strangely... if you're in the mood for nasty, crushing thrash/death/black metal, go to www.lastplanetojakarta.com which is John Darnielle's (aka Mountain Goats) blog to get some great recommendations/ruminations in verse.

@ConfederateRokr: I bet a majority of parents who buy gaming devices for their kids never even touch the things. This will not end well.

@MissMarlo: I appreciate it. And I know 'It Gets Better', because as I've learned more about high functioning autism, and see results of his testing, I am pretty sure that I have it too... and finding a group of friends that didn't care about my background but rather my intelligence and humor helped me pull out of

Wow. I've been a little down, lately, what with some financial setbacks, and my son having struggles due to mild autism making things difficult at school. This story brought a smile to my face, and certainly more than made up for the time spent on changing my passwords last night. Thanks, Owen.

@GM_Pax: The school services students in the 6th through 11th grades... 8 of the 36 students are in the uppermost grade... so there it's likely that some of those 8 will turn 17 during the school year. I would say it would have been smart to let the parents consent to the incentive program, as different kids will

You know, part of me rebels against ME2's inclusion, as the ending was a bit of a letdown, but hell, I finished it, and I didn't finish a lot of games this year... but if that were the sole criterion, then FFXIII would be a contender, and... no. Really, I think Pac-Man Championship Edition DX and Super Meat Boy are