
@kelz: Garden of Eden, the great flood stories from the Bible and the Epic of Gilgamesh, Atlantis... the History Channel might have to spin off a separate channel devoted to this...

I'm glad for the most part that Wikileaks has released what it has, and it wouldn't exist without Assange, but it seems like at this point, Wikileaks would be better off without him. He's arrogant and instead of building a structure that will last, acts as though he is WL and it cannot survive without him... which

Please don't forget about Pac-Man CE DX or Super Meat Boy, guys... along with limbo, these bite-sized games were more fulfilling than all but a few full-sized, full-priced games... Hell, Costume Quest had flaws, but it's one of my favorite experiences this year as well... and I've already spent many hours on Pinball

Seriously... if you're four years old and your parents can't keep the bathroom stocked with TP... it's fingerpainting time... Now, I'm not above turning the tube from a roll of PAPER FUCKING TOWELS into what my family referred to as a 'Doot-Doot', but my lips will not touch anything bathroom-related until I become

@madammina: I used to listen to the album Passion by Peter Gabriel aka the soundtrack to The Last Temptation of Christ... also not bad for getting your freaky deaky on btw.

@Gaston: Addams Family was one of the best pinball games ever (irl)... a license isn't necessary (see Royal Madness, Cyclone), but a fun license together with a well designed board that really integrates fan service and theme can make for a transcendant experience.

@Spderweb: I will do that later... replying so I can look you up in my comment history later, and to promote so others add you as well.

@PunkyChipsAhoy: I thought Crave's Pinball Hall of Fame games (Gottlieb and Williams editions) were fabulous, though in the past I've found most pinball video games to be lacking, never feeling physical enough. Zen's update makes their pinball experience on the 360 much improved... if the real boards, great tutorials

Ok, so DoD has built their parody of the PS3: a tower of power that doesn't have any games to run on it... when are they going to network 1,760 Xbox 360s that will melt themselves down to slag?

@Standard Definition: Personally, I said it because Spielberg as executive producer is working closely with Favreau, and seems like a specific director that he would attempt to surpass. He seems to find a certain freedom within what could seem like the confines of genre (or what seem like confines in the hands of

@noendernemesis: Well, I wouldn't thrust him into the pantheon at this point (and I love to thrust), but superhero and holiday movies are not easy to pull off, and can easily become embarrassments... and he's made classics in both genres... what was the last classic Christmas film prior to Elf? A Christmas Story? He

Favreau's Elf and Iron Man are master classes in how knowing what tone you're going for and successfully controlling it. And I enjoyed Zathura well enough, and ascribe Iron Man 2's failure to studio meddling. Hopes. Are. High.

I thought I was going to get through all 20 entries without somebody marking an image with a note to 'kill' some detail.... congratulations William Henry Harrison and Wrackune for your close reading of the Playboy markups. And Wrackune, I had to suppress a spit-take... the Happy Room Academy really did make me feel

I agree with Mr. Crecente that the online pass is tacky even if it is becoming the way of the (virtual) world... but I'm impressed that there is not a single complaint in his review about gameplay. My kids and I have played Burnout Paradise into the ground, I've been hoping for a grade A racing experience on the 360

I hope the researchers were careful to look for evidence of reversed images, which are common in magazines.

@grampaspanky: Got it. This is why I should just work and not try to read and comment at the same time (I was on the phone).

@juriko: I'm glad I'm not alone. I see a lot of praise for TP's graphics, and de Gustibus non disputandam, but to me the game's looks were not its strong point. The same goes for the N64 generation... Super Mario 64 is obviously not the prettiest game ever made, but the graphics hold up, again because of the more

@p4w4rr10r: There were some things I liked the look of in Twilight Princess, but the overall look of Link and the natural world seemed kind of rough and ugly, in the uncanny valley way of Ocarina of Time. Maybe it looked better on SD TVs, though Galaxy looks phenomenal, due to its (more) stylized look. I'm not

@dropdeadcriminal: I was struck by this comment as well, a veteran and paragon of FPS game development expressing preference for twin analog sticks over mouse and keyboard. I happen to agree (my first FPS experiences were certainly on PC), and I think that it's largely a matter of personal preference, but it was still