
@G1bblets: I had this problem on my XP workstation at my place of employment... Our IT person fixed it while I was home with my sick daughter, and I never found out what caused it, but before it was remedied, I had to hard boot my computer at least twice a day. When I would come back from my 6o minute lunch break, it

@bakagaijin: I at least want to decide for myself...

@MrGOH: Viacom's PR shills were putting content up on YouTube faster than their IP lawyers could take it down... and they were lapping up the publicity generated by their own legal threats, to boot.

@Raizo: Great... now I'm going to have to get my rookers on an animal-style milk plus vellocet.

@simply_androoo: Nothing like the fascinating, shameful thrill of voyeurism... the rapt watching, the occasional thought that if you are watching, maybe someone is observing you... maybe you'll be questioned... why didn't you call 911 if you're so interested? Then the moment when you know that everyone is watching,

@Cooking Utensil: They're like the double poster couple for marriage... as in, disregard that...

@relic1980: The dad is all 'at least I'm having the cosplay time of my life even if my kid is staring into the abyss of a miserable future subordinated to my selfish whims...'

@BreadKnight: How long is your intense want for a sly 4 while flaccid?

@Turkeyslam: He's obviously not in the top ten, but he did make the list.

@VincentGrey: You're already a star, and I already hearted you, but I instinctively lunged with my mouse to heart/promote comment...

@Fernando Jorge: I think there are better written fantasy and young adult novels out there (and I'm a Harry Potter Fan), but Harry Potter absolutely belongs on this list, as characterization was Rowling's true gift. And a generation of kids grew up with Rowling's creation, which in turn grew up with them, becoming a

@Diamond Sea: Are you looking for a gaming headset? Surround sound & a mic? Or something for music? Over Ear or in ear? Wireless? There's a lot of variety in headphones, and people will have good suggestions if they know the ballpark of what you're looking for...

@zackfair: My Kids (who were 10 and 12 when this was released on the XBLA) absolutely loved their time with Monkey Island.

@MetaKz: Alan Wake is "kind've like Luigi's Mansion but way cooler"? I'm liking Alan Wake, but it's no Luigi's Mansion. Better story, maybe. But LM's ghost-busting is unsurpassed.

@Sloopydrew: I played the first chapter yesterday, too... and also payed $29.99 with my promotional credit for pre-ordering Super Mario Galaxy 2 from Amazon. I'm enjoying the creepy vibe, and the story could get interesting, but you're right, the product placement (Thermos is a product, too! And the one you missed was

@John-Hamptonshire: Just saw a slightly shorter version of this trailer yesterday before seeing MacGruber. That's right, I went for MacGruber over Prince of Persia, so sue me... but the Scott Pilgrim trailer had me drooling.

When Dennis Hopper, as Frank turns towards Kyle MacLachlan's Jeffrey, his eyes burning straight through the camera and says "You're just like me", it is completely horrific, maybe the purest implication of audience complicity of any film, including Rear Window. Chilling. One of Hollywood and independent cinema's true

@martialbullet: Your verse inspires me to great heights, sir.

You've come a long way, baby.