
@UltimatePancakeSensation: Haven't you seen Toys? Hath not a videogame angry eyes? Hath not a game play, appeal, replay value? If you prick them, will they not crack?

@spannu: I thought you were going to tell Murderdolls to get a Kotaku gold account for a minute but I see you did the workaround.

@The Forgetful Brain: Spannu and Kobun, ever vigilant, waiting for some minor allusion to the larva nipple. Kobun, a warner but a linker, Spannu throwing caution to the wind but debunking.

This just tipped the scales from 'start playing through Assassins Creed 2 without addressing unfinished games' to 'round up the stragglers and finish Mass Effect 2'. It was the right decision anyway, and it's what AC2 will want for itself in a few weeks.

@FearfulInsomniac: I'm not even sure it's possible to do full justice to the divine comedy in big budget videogame form. That's why everybody was instantly nervouse when EA's game was announced. And the article doesn't even address the game as an adaptation of literature. What it's saying is that, by creating a

A happy ending, and a wonderful beginning. Unlike video games, things don't tie up in neat packages, and even after grinding through to that hard earned cut-scene, even after the credits roll, we keep playing. BUT... a hard earned level up, best of luck in your new life, and thanks for sharing.

I wore a helmet for a while while I got my space legs back, but ultimately have gone without. I spent too much time coming up with the look of my female (better voice work) Shep back when I got the first game (she looks a little like Maya Rudolph) to spend the game as a cipher. I'll just fight harder and take my lumps

@Batman: I saw your post pre-edit thanks to Bunedoggle, and lol'd because I could imagine Bruce Wayne disinterestedly playing Wii Sports with a couple of Russian models, but occasionally playing Crysis at like 480fps in the batcave with his cowl pulled back. And then I went to reply to you and you'd edited that out,

@Batman: So what do you game on, a PSP?

@drag: You know, I never did pick up the DS Chibi Robo, not sure why. I'd kind of forgotten about it somehow. It probably got sub-par reviews, but then so did the GameCube original. Now that I don't have a GC or a Wii, maybe I'll have to pick up (*fiddles with the intertubes*)... Chibi Robo Park Control to get back in

@drag: OK, so if I'd reflected for a moment, I could have just replied with a ":)" and let the avatar speak for itself...

@drag: Man, I loved Chibi Robo, what a great, bizarre game. It really brought out the OCD in me. I don't currently have anything to play it on, so maybe I'll go pull weeds in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

@JumpyJacks: Nostalgia says N64, but Perfect Dark is pretty sweet on the 360, and it's even got me playing the copy of Perfect Dark Zero I drunk downloaded.

@MacroPlanet: I feel the same way, and I'm down to just a 360, as my kids now have the Wii at their mother's house. All three platforms have fantastic exclusives, their own quirks, strengths and weaknesses, and multiplatform games that they render better or worse. We as gamers also have our own preferences which, if

@Curse lily: Check out Buddhism Without Beliefs by Stephen Batchelor, which explores dharma practice divorced from dogmatic religious practice. Batchelor is an agnostic Buddhist, and posits that even though Buddhism grew out of India's religious past and incorporates some of its language and imagery, what the Buddha

@Stephen Totilo: Several times in the past weeks I've peeked at a byline expecting to see you'd posted something from sister site i09, based on the subject, and seeing one of you guys instead. Far from seeing it as poaching, I can always go for more of that kind of stuff, and if it's here, I'll see it soon enough to

Classy move, Mr. Totilo. RIP Frank Frazetta.

@JesWalHok: Yeah, Tartakovsky fan here. In fact, my son and I are planning to watch a little Samurai Jack when he gets home from school. I saw on his IMDB page that there is some sort of SJ project in pre-production for a 2011 release. No details, but a movie airing on Cartoon Network, then to DVD would probably make