
@amazinglarry: I tried to get at that in my second comment. I took back what I said because what I said seemed to endorse Jeffrey Jones personally. As an actor, he should be judged on his performances. He is no worse than R. Kelly, and has suffered a lot more than R., having been convicted and registered as a sex

@data_enabler: Yeah, I was really looking forward to reading that article, too. This could have been held for Sunday's top 5 top 10 lists.

@JesWalHok: Was that Genndy Tartakovsky's (Samurai Jack, Dexter's Laboratory) Star Wars: The Clone Wars?

@gordeaux789: You know, I had heard about this before, but I think because he's not a big star, I forgot about it. You didn't shatter my world view, but I'll admit the topic is a bit icky on my (and my 13 year-old son's) birthday. Not your fault though. Cheers.

@gordeaux789: Oh. My. How embarrassing. I formally retract my evaluation of Mr. Jones, though his performance in many films continues to rule. His personal decisions (convicted of taking lewd photographs of a 14-year old being hopefully the worst) disqualify him from personal praise.

@ClaudioIphigenia: A lot of the flaws that plague the prequels are present in the original trilogy, it's just that the tone of the originals is more consistent, the plots are a lot simpler and the actors do a better job of selling cheesy dialogue. It's a fine line between Return of the Jedi and The Phantom Menace. And

Jeffrey Jones and Edie McClurg effin' rule. That is all.

I wonder if Ani and Obi-Wan ever got drunk and gave each other forcejobs.

@Vedli: I lopped off his right hand.

@Spiffyness: I won't go quite as far as to say Ep. I doesn't deserve its bad press, but as much of a mess as it is, it is definitely more entertaining (and frustrating) and memorable (and therefore more hated, because it's hard to hate something you don't remember) than Episode II, which has many fewer problems, but

@kathartik: Wow, I've never had the chance to see Star Wars and Empire back-to-back in a theater, that sounds incredible. But I'm just grateful I had the chance to be shocked by "No. I am your father." I'm sure a lot of people learned of The Ultimate Spoiler before seeing Empire.

@Tenacious_Z: I'm all for giving props to Proops, but that was not his finest hour. Not his fault. So many parts of Episode I were tonally similar to shitty Saturday morning cartoons. And when the movie tried to be serious, it was just flat, and didn't mix with the rest of the film. The confrontation with Darth Maul

@kathartik: Going to see the Episode IV-VI special editions in the theaters is one of the last cool, fun things I did with both my parents before they divorced. They had taken me to the original showings in the 70's and 80's, and it was a big nostalgia rush, and probably the first time my sister got to see Star Wars

@Mr. Mew: Your comment was like a red potion in the tall grass. It was dispiriting dragging out that anecdote.

@jebsalump: No beatings, and I politely kept my facepalm on the inside. He was a nice kid. I was sad, and felt old.

@ClaudioIphigenia: I will say that I loved the game Star Wars Episode I Racer, and mostly object to the way the podracing scene was handled (too long, NASCAR announcer alien with two heads, and the juvenalia that ruined the whole film) because the podracers themselves were cool. But what was depressing was that when

I went into Subway on International Star Wars day wearing my AT-AT X-ray t-shirt, and the topic of Star Wars came up between myself and the kid, probably 16 or 17 years old, working the counter. Nice enough kid. He said he liked Star Wars, hadn't seen it in a while, his favorite part was the racing. The racing.

@Kobun: Actually, I agree. He would be remembered a lot more fondly had he gone out as a Packer. But it's not playing for another team, it's the way he handled things. Nobody holds it against Joe Montana that he played for the Chiefs, even me, a much suffering Raiders fan (sell the team to Madden, Al!) who has little

@Michael Dukakis: I think you need to take a step back and take a good look at yourself, M.D. Heal Thyself. Seriously. Back, and to the left.